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以下是高強度的3D印表機材料: 碳纖維,擁有强度高、重量輕、耐熱度高、膨脹率低等特質。市面上陳列各式各樣的3D列印材料,若您想用桌面型3D列印機就可印製遙控汽車、無人飛機、航空產品、模型等需要兼顧動力與外形強度,且有完美的表面品質又容易印出的3D列印產品的話,那碳纖維3D列印材料就是你的首選了! 有一點要特別注意的是碳纖維的研磨性質: 此類纖維會比一般3D列印材料更加速黃銅噴嘴的損耗;因此我們推薦使用CC Red 0.6紅寶石噴嘴印製碳纖維材料。

Ultimaker PET CF Series
Brand Ultimaker
Weight 750g

UltiMaker adds PET Carbon Fiber for high-performance composite applications on S Series 3D Printers Easy-to-use and versatile, UltiMaker PET Carbon Fiber is ideal for a wide range of applications, from functional prototypes to manufacturing aids and replacement parts

ColorFabb Carbon Fiber XT-CF20
Brand ColorFabb
Price 2290(TAX)
Weight 750g

ColorFabb XT-CF20 - Contains over 20% specially sourced carbon fiber, lightweight and tough.

Bambu Lab PLA-CF Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 1400(TAX)
Weight 1000g

Bambu PLA-CF 是碳纖維增強 PLA,具有更高的剛性和強度。PLA-CF 與一般 PLA 一樣易於列印且適合初學者。
​它與 AMS 相容,高速列印時堵塞風險低。列印件呈現霧面效果,幾乎看不見層線,這使其適合列印一般工程零件或需要更好外觀的模型,如自行車車架、支架和玩具。

Bambu Lab PA6-CF 黑色
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 1700(TAX)
Weight 500g

​Bambu PA6-CF 是一種碳纖維增強 PA6(尼龍 6)線材。碳纖維增強材料在乾燥環境中提供顯著高的剛性和強度特性,並維持卓越的耐熱性和抗衝擊性。與其他 Bambu CF 線材類似,這些出色的機械性能使其成為在乾燥環境中使用的列印夾具、夾具、汽車和機械部件以及各種結構和工程零件的理想選擇。

Bambu Lab PET-CF Black
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 1800(TAX)
Weight 500g

Bambu ASA is a highly durable material that offers exceptional UV, weather, mechanical, and thermal resistance. Its unique combination of properties makes it an ideal material for printing outdoor models (plant signs, mailboxes, wind vanes, etc.) and structural parts that require long-term exposure to challenging outdoor conditions.

Bambu Lab PETG-CF 黑色
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 1400(TAX)
Weight 1000g

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