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Bambu Lab 拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D 打印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品--X1 系列高速智能3D 打印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩打印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級打印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 打印革命的序幕。用戶在打印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

拓竹 Bambu Lab AMS自動供料系統
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 12549(TAX)

Bambu Lab 拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D 打印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品--X1 系列高速智能3D 打印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩打印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級打印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 打印革命的序幕。用戶在打印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

Bambu Lab P1S 3D printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 24299(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab P1S Combo 3D printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 32499(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab X1E 3D Printer (With AMS)
Brand Bambu Lab
Original price 99800
Price 93800(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab A1 Mini Combo 3D Printer (With AMS Lite)
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 14699(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab A1 Combo 3D Printer (With AMS Lite)
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 18499(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer tech company focusing on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, bringing creativity to a whole new level. Now introducing A1 combo 3D printers!!!

Bambu Lab A1 Mini 3D Printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 8979(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab A1 3D Printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 12999(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer tech company focusing on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, bringing creativity to a whole new level. Now introducing A1 combo 3D printers!!!

Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 3D Printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 43999(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Combo 3D Printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 53449(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

拓竹 Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Combo 3D列印機 同捆包【加強保固】
Brand Bambu Lab
Original price 82750
Price 76690(TAX)

Bambu Lab 拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D 打印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品--X1 系列高速智能3D 打印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩打印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級打印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 打印革命的序幕。用戶在打印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

拓竹 Bambu Lab P1S Combo 3D列印機 同捆包【加強保固】
Brand Bambu Lab
Original price 58290
Price 51600(TAX)

Bambu Lab 拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D 列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品--X1 系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

拓竹 Bambu Lab X1E 3D列印機 同捆包 【加強保固】
Brand Bambu Lab
Original price 132410
Price 128400(TAX)

Bambu Lab拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品 — X1系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。
Bambu Lab拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品 — X1系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

拓竹 Bambu Lab A1 3D列印機 基礎同捆包
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 14649(TAX)

Bambu Lab拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品 — X1系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。
Bambu Lab拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品 — X1系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

拓竹 Bambu Lab A1 Mini 3D列印機 基礎同捆包
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 10629(TAX)

Bambu Lab拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品 — X1系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。
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