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Lazervida 二極體雷射雕刻機提供小型企業、創客、設計師及其相關愛好者使用。輕巧的外型,強大的功能!不到一小時即可完成組裝,並開始雕刻切割於各式材質實現創意!
Made from acrylic panels, the Lazervida Shield protects you from dangerous laser light. The rear air outlet can easily be connected to an air hose - this helps to filter out the harsh molecules and bad odours produced when engraving with your laser.
The Lazervida Air Assis Add-on is designed exclusively for lasers with an optimized airflow path and increased air volume to effectively disperse dust and smoke. The cone spacers helps to avoid reflective burn marks on the back of the material during laser cutting. The dual combination provides more exquisite laser engraving and cutting work.
Rotary Add-on allows you to expand 2D surfaces to laser engrave circular objects like wine bottles, thermoses, and many more cylindrical shapes.
Ador 擴充底座套件專為 Ador彩色列印雷射切割機而設,可容納更厚的材料以及使用旋轉軸的必備配件,為你的創作增添更多可能!
Ador 擴充底座+旋轉軸套件專為 Ador彩色列印雷射切割機而設。旋轉軸打破只能平面雕刻的限制,用於各式圓柱物品的表面上雕刻,而擴充底座則使 Ador更進一步,能容納更厚的材料以及是使用旋轉軸的必備配件!
Ador 旋轉軸套件專為 Ador彩色列印雷射切割機而設,打破只能平面雕刻的限制,用於各式圓柱物品的表面上雕刻(需配備擴充底座一同使用)!
竹節管可用於連接雷射雕刻機與 Beam Air 雷雕專用空氣淨化器或其他廠商空氣淨化器,可自由可彎曲定位並將加工中產生的煙霧、粉塵和氣體排出機外,確保工作環境的清潔和安全。