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Snapmaker is a small and affordable multi-purpose machine: 3D printer, CNC milling machine, laser engraving machine and laser cutting machine. Multi-in-one device great for education purposes to teach students different manufacturing technologies. Perfect tool for a design shops for prototyping and overall very handy device for hobbyist. 3DMart TW is an official dealer of Snapmaker 3d printers in Taiwan, providing full range of sales and after sales technical support.

Snapmaker 2.0 三合一3D列印機/A350T
Brand Snapmaker
Price 48000(TAX)

Snapmaker 2.0 三合一3D列印機/A350T集結三合一3D列印、雷射雕刻、CNC銑床技術,全新升級冷卻系統、抗噪效能再提升!提高3D列印速度、高品質精度,保有Snapmaker一如既往的全金屬機身,模塊化的設計,組裝機器更容易,配備觸控螢幕,新手皆能輕鬆上手使用。

Snapmaker Artisan 三合一3D列印機
Brand Snapmaker
Price 108000(TAX)

Snapmaker J1s全新獨立雙噴頭技術(IDEX)用令人驚歎的廣泛的材料創造奇蹟,感受工業級傳輸精度的力量。工業級的傳輸精度,毫不費力校準來實現您的創作!與單噴頭列印機列印多種材料相比,IDEX雙噴頭換線材所需時間更短,減少不必要的浪費。此外,IDEX雙噴頭列印機可以防止交叉污染。

Snapmaker Artisan 3-in-1 3D Printer - Premium
Brand Snapmaker
Price 120000(TAX)

Artisan is Snapmaker's latest generation 3-in-1 3D printer, bigger, stronger and easier to use than ever before, Artisan is set to be the next best thing to a desktop printer and is now available in a new Premium model that upgrades the 10W laser module to a 40W laser module, allowing you to cut and engrave more materials and more possibilities. materials, adding to the endless possibilities!
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