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Snapmaker 2.0是模組式三合一3D列印機,一機結合 3D列印、雷射加工和CNC銑床的所有功能,全新的Snapmaker 2.0更方便、更快、更強大,滿足你的所有需求!

Snapmaker 2.0 A250T / A250旋轉軸
Brand Snapmaker
Price 16000(TAX)
Weight 2.2kg

Snapmaker A250旋轉軸擁有內外緊夾的三爪固定裝置,為Snapmaker三合一3D列印機增加第4個軸,使其成為極其強大的桌上型雷雕/CNC加工設備;可加工材料從木材、工裝板、塑料、竹子、皮革、織物,到不透明亞克力…等,即使是中空心的物件也能進行高精度的CNC銑床雕刻。

Snapmaker A350T/A350 旋轉軸 緊急按鈕組合
Brand Snapmaker
Price 19000(TAX)
Weight 2.6kg

Snapmaker A350T/A350旋轉軸搭配Snapmaker緊急停止按鈕,使用強大的桌上型雷雕/CNC加工設備的同時,為雕刻過程提供額外的安全保障!

Snapmaker Artisan 三合一3D列印機
Brand Snapmaker
Price 108000(TAX)


Snapmaker Artisan 3-in-1 3D Printer - Premium
Brand Snapmaker
Price 120000(TAX)

Artisan is Snapmaker's latest generation 3-in-1 3D printer, bigger, stronger and easier to use than ever before, Artisan is set to be the next best thing to a desktop printer and is now available in a new Premium model that upgrades the 10W laser module to a 40W laser module, allowing you to cut and engrave more materials and more possibilities. materials, adding to the endless possibilities!
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