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3DMART provides a complete range of Ultimaker 3D printer accessories and spare parts in Taiwan, Taipei! including original factory upgrade kits, advanced kits, original nozzles and print cores, major accessories like material station and air managers, etc. You can find suitable parts here whether you need them to repair or modify!

Ultimaker - Print Core AA 0.25噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5700(TAX)

Ultimaker絕對是最可靠的雙噴頭3D列印機,搭配專屬AA BB核心噴頭,讓你的3D列印品質近乎專業。 由於其獨特的噴嘴自動提升系統,專門設計的結構和支持材料組合以及方便更換的列印核心噴頭,讓您能完整呈現更複雜的設計並且也擴展您3D列印的更多可能。
The Ultimaker Metal Expansion Kit makes creating complex stainless steel parts easier, more efficient and affordable. It offers the freedom to create strong parts with complex geometries, ensuring high quality, low cost and more versatile on 3D Printing!

Ultimaker PVA Removal Station
Brand Ultimaker
Price 38300(TAX)

Make complex design or stunning visual prototypes post-processing faster and easier when using PVA support materials with the Ultimaker PVA Removal Station. Using the same series of 3D printing platforms from the beginning to end ensures faster design iterations, minimize operation time without causing confusion. It can remove PVA up to four times faster than removing it in a temporary container using hydrostatic water, even when the design is complex and has hard-to-reach holes.

Ultimaker PVA Removal Station Refurbished
Brand Ultimaker
Price 26800(TAX)

Make complex design or stunning visual prototypes post-processing faster and easier when using PVA support materials with the Ultimaker PVA Removal Station. Using the same series of 3D printing platforms from the beginning to end ensures faster design iterations, minimize operation time without causing confusion. It can remove PVA up to four times faster than removing it in a temporary container using hydrostatic water, even when the design is complex and has hard-to-reach holes.

Ultimaker - Print Core CC 0.4 噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 17000(TAX)

Ultimaker Print Core CC 0.4 噴頭是Ultimaker PrintCore 系列的最新產品,適用於從製造到原型設計的特定項目和應用。它既是 PrintCore CC Red 的更新版,亦是替代品,可提供更高的穩健性、可靠性等。

Ultimaker - Print Core CC 0.6 噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 17000(TAX)

Ultimaker Print Core CC 0.6 噴頭是Ultimaker PrintCore 系列的最新產品,適用於從製造到原型設計的特定項目和應用。它既是 PrintCore CC Red 的更新版,亦是替代品,可提供更高的穩健性、可靠性等。

Ultimaker - Print Core AA 0.8噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5700(TAX)

Ultimaker S5專用平台貼紙
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1380(TAX)


Ultimaker S3/2+/3專用平台貼紙
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1380(TAX)


UM2 Extended+ 進階配件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5500(TAX)

上次Ultimaker推了新的材料,許多人可能會擔心一些特殊材料會難以列印,這次Ultimaker 推出進階的3D列印配件組,讓你的物件可以在更穩定的環境下列印,並且和平台黏得更好降低翹曲!

UM3 系列 維護套件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 8980(TAX)

Ultimaker 2+ - Fan Bracket 風扇支架
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1300(TAX)

這是Ultimaker 2+ 升級後的風扇支架,全新的直吹設計,讓物件可以獲得更好的冷卻,加強3D列印機執行跨橋、傾斜、懸空的能力。

Brand Ultimaker
Price 1400(TAX)

Ultimaker濾淨管家(Air Manager)的替換EPA濾心,可根據3D列印機、過濾器的狀況定期更換濾心,取決於所加工的線材的類型;使用高強度的線材,與常見的PLA相比,在環境空氣中容易產生更多的細微顆粒,建議至少每1500個列印小時更換一次濾心。

Ultimaker2 升級套件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 18900(TAX)

ultimaker2系列3D列印機升級套件: 噴頭結構大更新、更可靠的進料馬達、可快速更換的噴嘴、優化的風散系統,讓您的列印更快速、準確,物件品質更光滑! 讓您的Ultimaker2 就此升級為Ultimaker2+囉~!

Ultimaker 2 - TFM隔離耦合器
Brand Ultimaker
Price 790(TAX)

Ultimaker 2 PLUS - Heater Cartridge 加熱線
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1990(TAX)

Ultimaker 2 Plus - 0.25mm 原廠噴嘴
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1000(TAX)

Ultimaker 3 進階配件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 4980(TAX)

Ultimaker又推出了新的材料,許多人可能會擔心一些特殊材料會難以列印,這次Ultimaker 推出進階的3D列印配件組,讓你的物件可以在更穩定的環境下列印,並且和平台黏得更好降低翹曲!

Ultimaker - Print Core BB 0.8 噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5700(TAX)

Ultimaker S5 玻璃平台
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1980(TAX)

Ultimaker 2 - PT100 B sensor 感溫線
Brand Ultimaker
Price 2090(TAX)

Ultimaker 2 Plus - 0.8mm 原廠噴嘴
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1000(TAX)

Ultimaker Olsson Block 0.8mm原廠噴嘴,方便清潔更換,最實用 20 - 200 micron 層厚都適合

Ultimaker - Print Core BB 0.4噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5700(TAX)

Ultimaker搭配專屬AA,BB核心噴頭,讓你的3D列印品質近乎專業。 由於其獨特的噴嘴自動提升系統,專門設計的結構和支持材料組合以及方便更換的列印核心噴頭,讓您能完整呈現更複雜的設計並且也擴展您3D列印的更多可能。

Ultimaker 2+系列 維護套件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 7500(TAX)

Ultimaker 2+ 進階配件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5500(TAX)

上次Ultimaker推了新的材料,許多人可能會擔心一些特殊材料會難以列印,這次Ultimaker 推出進階的3D列印配件組,讓你的物件可以在更穩定的環境下列印,並且和平台黏得更好降低翹曲!

Ultimaker - Print Core AA 0.4噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5700(TAX)

Ultimaker搭配專屬AA,BB核心噴頭,讓你的3D列印品質近乎專業。 由於其獨特的噴嘴自動提升系統,專門設計的結構和支持材料組合以及方便更換的列印核心噴頭,讓您能完整呈現更複雜的設計並且也擴展您3D列印的更多可能。
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