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Snapmaker Double-sided Plate For J1/ J1s
Product model SK0141
Brand Snapmaker
Price 1790(TAX)


Snapmaker Double-sided PEI Glass Plate For J1/ J1s 

This is a replacement build platform for Snapmaker J1 / J1s. The Double-sided PEI glass plate is a reserve plate designed to enhance the 3D printing process. One side is made of glossy glass with sheer flatness, making your first layer smooth and adhesive, improves print quality and reduces the risk of misprints.

PEI coating on the other side, aiding in adhesion for various filaments such as PLA to ensure a safe and stable printing process. The plate can be easily removed so that it is extra handy for maintenance and print removal.

Product Features:
• Glossy glass on one side and PEI coating on the other
 Excellent adhesion on PEI coating for regular materials like PLA
 Easy removal of flexible material from glass surface
 High level of evenness ensures smooth and adherent first layer

Putting the Snapmaker Double-sided PEI Glass Plate in J1/ J1s

Snapmaker Double-sided PEI Glass Plate inside the J1 3D Printer
Snapmaker Double-sided PEI Glass Plate inside J1.

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