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Wisely專注於設計和製造雷射激光切割機,尤以工業級光纖激光雕刻機和雷射打標機、CO2雷射雕刻機和CO2雷射切割機為代表。技術支持來自世界領先激光品牌,如IPG、SPI、Raycus、Synrad、Coherent、GSI 和 RECI。
使用Wisely D80 旋轉軸,讓您的雷射打標工作更便捷、立體。此款旋轉軸可加工所有金屬材料,如金、銀、銅、不銹鋼、鋁等,和一些非金屬材料。為您的Wisely 鐳射打標機添“一臂之力”!
頂級品牌Wavelengh F-theta 鏡頭。聚焦光斑小,打標效果好,功耗低,穩定性高!使用雷射打標機時,聚焦鏡可以將雷射光束聚焦在光斑上,確保雷射打標效果清晰。
The WISELY LP Fiber Laser Marker for metals and plastics is portable, small and easy to transport. The machine can be used with customized automatic matching system. It adopts JPT LP laser light source with superior laser beam, stable performance and high reliability. The machine can process all metal materials, such as gold, silver, copper, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.; and some non-metallic materials, is an all-round laser marking machine.
The WISELY MOPA Fiber Laser Marker for metals and plastics is portable, small and easy to transport. The machine can be used with customized automatic matching system. It adopts JPT LP laser light source with superior laser beam, stable performance and high reliability. The machine can process all metal materials, such as gold, silver, copper, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.; and some non-metallic materials, is an all-round laser marking machine.
The WISELY Raycus Fiber Laser Marker for metals and plastics is portable, small and easy to transport. The machine can be used with customized automatic matching system. It adopts JPT LP laser light source with superior laser beam, stable performance and high reliability. The machine can process all metal materials, such as gold, silver, copper, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.; and some non-metallic materials, is an all-round laser marking machine.
Wisely MINI handheld laser marking machine series (rechargeable) is high-speed small scanning oscilloscope, positioning accuracy, handheld portable and can be used in any location offline operation with 7 hours of battery life. This is suitable for marking gold, silver, brass, copper, steel, stainless steel, aluminum, acrylic, ABS, nylon, PVC, rubber and so on.
Affordable Fiber Laser Marking Machine - Portable Style, easy to move and load the material, can work with customized automatic matching system. It can mark most metals, such as Stainless Steel, Brass, Aluminium, Steel, Iron etc, and can also mark on many non-metal materials, such as ABS, Nylon, PES, PVC, Makrolon.