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3DMart provides high-quality 3D printers and 3D scanners worldwide, including the most common 3D printing technologies such as FDM, SLA, SLS, as well as processing equipment like CNC milling machines, vacuum forming (plastic molding), pressure forming, laser cutting, and various peripheral accessories. We offer a comprehensive introduction to 3D printing materials, sample displays, 3D printing outsourcing, 3D scanning, metal casting, and diverse services. With premium processing equipment from official agencies, we deliver the best product prototypes and sample quality to our customers.

3Doodler Start 3D列印筆環保顏料
Brand 3Doodler
Price 270(TAX)
Weight 22g

適合用來黏貼組裝作品 ‧ 安全環保,可生物降解 ‧ 使用安全食用生質材料製成,無毒無酚甲烷 ‧ 顏料輸出後有10~12秒鐘的時間可以任意改變造型 ‧ 3D列印筆內每英寸可以擠出10英吋的耗材。

3Doodler Create PLUS 3D列印筆(不含顏料包)
Brand 3Doodler
Price 2380(TAX)
Weight 600g

3Doodler Start+ 3D 打印筆將藝術和設計相結合,為-13 歲的孩子提供6個用途的教育遊戲。不管的對藝術和手工藝孩子,還是喜歡科學和數學,建築和建築,3Doodler 開始+3D筆周邊相應項目,抓住他們的注意力,他們開始創造吧!

Brand 3Doodler
Price 1950(TAX)
Weight 320g


Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle 全功能3D列印機
Brand Ultimaker
Price 430800(TAX)

Material Station智能進料站與 Ultimaker S5 完美相容,重新開啟從材料輸送到3D列印的新紀元。Material Station智能進料站最多可置入六捲線材,具有斷料偵測及自動換線…等功能,搭配Air Manager清淨管家使用,同時提高產量及品質及安全穩定的工作環境。

Ultimaker - Print Core AA 0.25噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5700(TAX)

Ultimaker絕對是最可靠的雙噴頭3D列印機,搭配專屬AA BB核心噴頭,讓你的3D列印品質近乎專業。 由於其獨特的噴嘴自動提升系統,專門設計的結構和支持材料組合以及方便更換的列印核心噴頭,讓您能完整呈現更複雜的設計並且也擴展您3D列印的更多可能。

UltiMaker S7 - 3D列印機
Brand Ultimaker
Price 355200(TAX)

S7採用客戶們所喜愛並屢次獲獎的UltiMaker S5的一切,並更加完善。S7充滿了我們的最新技術,比以往更容易3D列印高品質的零件。

UltiMaker S7 Pro Bundle 全功能3D列印機
Brand Ultimaker
Price 497300(TAX)

S7採用客戶們所喜愛並屢次獲獎的UltiMaker S5的一切,並更加完善。S7充滿了我們的最新技術,比以往更容易3D列印高品質的零件。
The Ultimaker Metal Expansion Kit makes creating complex stainless steel parts easier, more efficient and affordable. It offers the freedom to create strong parts with complex geometries, ensuring high quality, low cost and more versatile on 3D Printing!

UltiMaker S7 Pro 3D Printer Bundle Refurbished
Brand Ultimaker
Price 348000(TAX)

S7 takes everything our customers love about the award-winning UltiMaker S5 and makes it even better. The S7 filled with the latest technology, makes it easier than ever to 3D print high-quality parts.

Ultimaker PVA Removal Station
Brand Ultimaker
Price 38300(TAX)

Make complex design or stunning visual prototypes post-processing faster and easier when using PVA support materials with the Ultimaker PVA Removal Station. Using the same series of 3D printing platforms from the beginning to end ensures faster design iterations, minimize operation time without causing confusion. It can remove PVA up to four times faster than removing it in a temporary container using hydrostatic water, even when the design is complex and has hard-to-reach holes.

Ultimaker PVA Removal Station Refurbished
Brand Ultimaker
Price 26800(TAX)

Make complex design or stunning visual prototypes post-processing faster and easier when using PVA support materials with the Ultimaker PVA Removal Station. Using the same series of 3D printing platforms from the beginning to end ensures faster design iterations, minimize operation time without causing confusion. It can remove PVA up to four times faster than removing it in a temporary container using hydrostatic water, even when the design is complex and has hard-to-reach holes.
Factor 4 是 UltiMaker 的新型工業級 3D 列印機,可簡化生產、簡化流程並保持營運正常運作。憑藉對工程材料、直接雙擠出、板載列印過程報告以及更多創新的功能,它實現了無與倫比的可預測性和最小的差異。

Brand 3DMart
Price 1500(TAX)

3D掃描需要將物件各種不同的角度縫合成一個無縫的模型,若碰上物件面積較大、曲面轉折多或者特徵不明顯的情況,可能導致物件定位不準確;使用SHINING 3D-EinScan 掃描定位貼紙,均勻的在物件上貼上標點,可以幫助掃描器將您的物件定位!適用機型:Shining 3D-Einscan H/HX 3D掃描器

Brand BuildTak
Original price 180
Price 90(TAX)


Shining EinScan-SE 3D掃描器
Brand Shining 3D
Price 49800(TAX)

Shining EinScan-SE 3D掃描器高效的掃瞄系統,可以製作高品質的3D列印數據,以幾何形狀精細建立掃描物件的真實結構;掃描後的圖像結構為緊密網格的3D數據,並與各式3D列印機相容。
SHINING 3D多年的3D掃描經驗和市場需求,創新的將藍色LED燈、藍色雷射光集成到EinScan HX手持式3D掃描器中;有雷射和LED混合光源,使EinScan HX可以掃描更大範圍的物體尺寸,滿足用戶的多種需求。

SHINING 3D EinStar 3D全彩超高速掃描器同捆包
Brand Shining 3D
Original price 45500
Price 40500(TAX)

SHINING 3D - 手持式 3D 全彩超高速掃描器超值組合包開放購買啦! 內含掃描轉盤、EinStar AESUB噴粉(透明、藍、橘色)、1000點掃描定位貼紙, 第一次使用就上手

SHINING 3D - EinStar Handheld 3D Scanner
Brand Shining 3D
Original price 39800
Price 34800(TAX)

​Combining many advanced software features, super easy to use, smooth and fast scanning without lagging, and the industry's only ultra-high C/P value !

SHINING 3D - EinScan H2 Scanner
Brand Shining 3D
Price 178000(TAX)

Shining 3D launched their new developed handheld 3D scanner - EinScan H2. EinScan H2 improves on its predecessor with a 5MP resolution texture camera, improved accuracy and 3 infrared VCSEL projectors for more photorealistic textures and better data quality. Its wide scan area and adjustable working distance make it suitable for a variety of scenes and objects, both small and large, in tight or wide spaces. The EinScan H2 is an efficient 3D scanning tool that can revolutionize your workflow.

SHINING 3D - Transcan C 專業級固定式3D掃描器
Brand Shining 3D
Price 248000(TAX)

SHINING3D將Transcan C開發為專業級3D掃描儀,可為各種行業捕捉從中小型物體的超高分辨率和精確掃描。此外,12MP攝像頭可生成豐富細膩的3D模型,提供直觀的實物圖像。

Shining EinScan-SP V2 3D Scanner
Brand Shining 3D
Price 89800(TAX)

Shining EinScan-SP V2 3D scanner has precise calibration in an easy way and achieves high accuracy of better than 0.05mm, high speed and high resolution scanning system to satisfy all kinds of reverse engineering, high quality 3D design and 3D printing applications.
Shining 3D FreeScan Combo+是一款緊湊輕巧的手持式3D掃描器,具有雙光源,可確保在不同的3D掃描場景下獲得高精度的結果和快速的速度。該設備結合了藍色雷射和紅外線 VCSEL 技術,是 Shining 3D 計量解決方案系列的補充,可有效用於檢測、逆向工程、增材製造以及汽車、航空航太、造船、機械、醫藥、和其他行業。

SHINING 3D - EinStar VEGA手持式無線3D掃描器
Brand Shining 3D
Price 69800(TAX)
Weight 535克

EINSTAR VEGA 掃描器是Shining 3D 製造的第一款無線初學者 3D 掃描器。它有一個顯示器,無需連接電腦即可顯示即時掃描結果。重量輕(< 1.5 磅),適合旅行和在陽光下輕鬆掃描。它相容於Windows和MAC,支援3D設計軟體和3D列印機的多種資料格式。
先臨三維 Shining3D 2023 榮譽出品,最新FreeScan Combo雷射手持3D掃描器上市,繼承FreeScan UE 系列的量測級的高精準度,加上眾望期待的雙光源技術-雷射&紅外線 ,不同光源更多應用,精細掃描、深孔掃描,都不再是問題,更輕巧靈活、精緻的機身設計,滿足3D用戶全面期待。

SHINING 3D - Color Pack (For EinScan-Pro Series)
Brand Shining 3D
Price 29500(TAX)

使用這個配件於您的EinScan-Pro 系列上,該外部紋理相機能夠捕獲對象的全色3D數據。 將其附加到您的EinScan-Pro 系列機器實現全色掃描。

EinScan Pro 2X V2 Scanner & Industrial Pack Bundle
Brand Shining 3D
Price 240600(TAX)

The SHINING EinScan Pro 2X V2 is a new generation 3D scanner that processes up to 3,00,000 points per second (10 fps). Compared to its predecessor, the Pro 2X 2020, the depth of field of the handheld scanner ranges from 100mm to as high as 500mm, with breakthroughs in data capture and data splicing mode technology! With a range of accessories, you can scan automatically using a turntable, mount the scanner on a tripod for freehand scanning or texture the camera to create full colour objects.
Snapmaker 1064NM Infrared Laser Module with 2W laser unlock more possibilities. It is available to engrave plastic and metal, let's combine laser engraving with 3D printing and CNC!
Sinterit Lisa X高性能設備組合,內含全套粉末處理站、噴砂機、粉末過濾機,同時配備Sinterit Lisa X SLS專用粉末工具組與吸塵器,配備最完整的優惠組合,從設備啟動、製作完工、後處理到清洗,此組合皆能提供最專業的協助!
Sinterit SLS噴砂機透過壓縮空氣、細小微粒,穿透物件的所有細小縫隙,有手持式噴砂槍、固定式噴嘴兩種模式選擇,可以用雙手輕鬆操作,內部空間寬廣,適合處理各種精細細節、複雜的物品。

Original Prusa MK4S 3D列印機
Original price 61000
Price 55000(TAX)

MK4S 是您家庭、工作坊或公司的最佳選擇。所有列印設定檔和設定均經過內部測試,確保 MK4S 從一開始只需按一個按鈕即可輕鬆提供高品質的 3D 列印!
Original Prusa XL是大型CoreXY 3D列印機,列印體積高達36 x 36 x 36 cm,配備多達5個獨立噴頭,系統感測器可自動校正,無須時刻重複校正,輕鬆列印各種物件;XL配備全新的Nextruder,是一款完全重新設計的擠出噴頭系統,配備零背隙擺線齒輪箱、熱插拔噴嘴和全自動第一層校正系統,無需手動校正、無需Z軸調整。

Original Prusa CORE One 3D列印機
Price 68800(TAX)

無論您是 3D 列印新手還是經驗豐富的專家,Prusa CORE One 都能滿足您的所有需求,成為一款可靠的全能機器。

WANHAO Boxman-1 紫外光固化箱 展示機
Original price 16800
Price 10080(TAX)

「WANHAO紫外光固化箱」是革命性的UV燈箱,用於加強光固化類型的3D列印產品,讓產品更加堅固。新款WANHAO B1配置4個UV LED光源和鏡面,確保3D列印產品能從全面照射紫外光,得到快速且均勻的固化效果。

Muse 3D 自動對焦桌面雷射切割機 40W 展示機
Brand MUSE
Original price 278800
Price 139400(TAX)
Weight 24.5kg

Muse自動對焦雷射切割機內建3D攝影機、自動對焦、LCD觸控螢幕,專為創新而生,專業軟體RetinaEngrave v3.0,為企業家、藝術家創造更高品質的數位生產,Muse為製造商而設計,品質精良並完美結合尺寸、功率和價格,讓不斷發展的小型工作室能進行微型製造。

Formech 300DT Vacuum Former
Brand Formech
Price 188000(TAX)
Weight 27kg

The brand new 300DT is Formech's smallest desktop machine to date. Keeping the functionality of its predecessor, the Compac Mini, the 300DT is smaller in volume and lighter than ever. Compared with other compact machines on the market, the 300DT comes with a quiet built-in vacuum pump and molding release. Easy to transport, move, and use, this 300DT is the perfect solution for creative hobbyists, artisans, and students.

Roland Photo Impact Printer MPX-90S
Brand Roland
Price 290000(TAX)

Perfect for kiosk and gift shop applications, the new VersaSTUDIO MPX-90S metal impact printer, easy-to-operate solution for personalizing high-value metal items and making them even more unique and profitable.

Mayku Multiplier Pressure Former Refurbished
Brand Mayku
Original price 288800
Price 202160(TAX)
Weight 57kg

Pressure forming is an industrial-grade manufacturing process, used to make molds and parts quickly. By utilizing pressure when forming heated sheet material, pressure forming can capture detail finer than human hair and perfectly sharp edges. The process of making a mold takes just 1 minute.
Mayku Pro Mesh是FormBox的超細金屬配件,由1.2mm不銹鋼製成,有1000多個小孔,讓更多空氣從真空成型模具周圍排出,相較FormBox的標準工作平台,升級後的Pro Mesh金屬平台能使成品更光滑,加工過程中模具和零件更緊密。
Seamlessly integrated with the Mayku Multiplier, the Reducing Plate compresses the Multiplier's forming area down to A4 or Letter size, giving access to hundreds of global sheet suppliers who provide straight cut sheets, enabling the use of both thicker and thinner materials and also reducing waste.

Mosaic Palette 3 Pro - Refurbished
Brand Mosaic
Original price 39800
Price 19900(TAX)
Weight 3.2KG

Palette 3 Pro has a smooth all-black casing, professional quality, and an all-aluminum Splice Core Pro splicing system. The splicing system is 10% better than Palette 3, allowing for up to 8 different colors of wire to be combined. The rotating cutter system allows the filament to be cut accurately and with low resistance, ensuring no residue and allowing users to 3D print bigger items.

FormBox 真空成型機 全套超值組
Brand Mayku
Original price 28560
Price 27000(TAX)

FormBox將工業用真空成型技術放上桌面,搭配使用真空成型幫浦/ 真空機(1/4HP),適用於灌冷媒抽真空、翻模、真空脫泡機,本體內部已內置逆止閥,保障氣體不回漏,吸力強勁超穩定!可與各種材料配合使用;快速、經濟、多功能且使用容易,快速將你的想像化為現實及量產,三帝瑪為Mayku FormBox台灣唯一總代理,更提供完整的技術維修及售後服務。

FormBox 真空成型 隔熱罩
Brand Mayku
Price 1480(TAX)
Weight 13kg

FormBox 隔熱罩是使用 FormBox 樹脂片以及其他專業材料的必要配件,能夠有效減少材料片的加熱時間,而且組裝超簡單!

Phrozen PFA (nFEP) 離型膜系列
Brand Phrozen
Price 510(TAX)
Weight 200g

Phrozen nFEP離型膜尺寸為310 x 220mm大小,適用Phrozen機型為Phrozen Sonic Mighty 8K LCD光固化3D列印機。

Phrozen Sonic Mini 8K S LCD 3D Printer
Brand Phrozen
Price 8999(TAX)

Phrozen is launched the Sonic Mini 8K S LCD 3D Printer, the highest precision 3D printer ever, with a resolution of 1,152 ppi, equivalent to 22 microns (µm), which is finer than a hair! It effectively reduces pixilation to make the surface of the model smooth and accurately reproduces textures as fine as hair and fabric. With a larger print screen of 7.1 inches, the print area is much larger than that of 3D printers in the same class on the market, greatly increasing printing efficiency.

Phrozen ACF Film Series
Brand Phrozen
Price 1200(TAX)

Phrozen nFEP離型膜尺寸為310 x 220mm大小,適用Phrozen機型為Phrozen Sonic Mighty 8K LCD光固化3D列印機。

Phrozen Post-Processing Kit
Brand Phrozen
Price 599(TAX)

The professional and thoughtful 3D printing kit contains a variety of basic tools for disassembling, cleaning and organizing models, whether you are a professional 3D printing enthusiast or a beginner, this kit can meet your various needs in printing light-curable LCDs.

Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K S LCD 3D Printer
Brand Phrozen
Price 39999(TAX)
Weight 26kg

Whether you run a miniature farm or a print-on-demand business, the Sonic Mega 8K S will be your best companion. With its 15" building plate, new high-speed system and ACF release film, it'll boost your efficiency. Topped off with 8K print quality, the Sonic Mega 8K S will boost your production and exceed your customers' expectations!

Phrozen Wash & Cure Kit
Brand Phrozen
Price 6825(TAX)

Post-processing can be a messy and tedious part of 3D printing, especially for large models.
The Phrozen Wash & Cure Kit makes your cleaning and curing process faster and easier with a powerful, large washing station and a curing station that can dry and cure your models in one go.

Phrozen Cure Mega S
Brand Phrozen
Price 10999(TAX)
Weight 15kg

Phrozen Cure Mega is the latest generation of curing lamps developed by Phrozen for oversized models. With a large curing area of 40 x 40 x 45 cm, even large 3D models can be cured with ease. Equipped with a 405nm UV source and a 360 degree rotating disc, the Cure Mega can be used not only for oversized 3D models, but also for curing multiple small models at the same time, and is easy to use, with a push of a button to set the time for the perfect condition of your 3D printed models.

Phrozen Onyx Rigid Pro410 Resin (1kg)
Brand Phrozen
Price 1959(TAX)
Weight 1kg

In partnership with Henkel, Phrozen Onyx Rigid Pro410 resin offers great engineering possibilities for those who prefer a hands-on approach to solving everyday problems.

Phrozen Pump & Fill (For Sonic Mega 8K S)
Brand Phrozen
Price 3599(TAX)

The Phrozen Pump & Fill Automated Resin Feeder is designed for Sonic Mega 8K S customers, with automatic detection and automatic suction and filling functions, greatly enhancing your printing experience and production efficiency!

Phrozen Wash Mega S
Brand Phrozen
Price 6999(TAX)
Weight 8kg

Designed to further improve your workflow and increase efficiency, the Wash Mega S is your solution for cleaning large jobs. Whether it is a life-size Thanos head or a full Mega Plate from the Maverick Army, cleaning is a breeze with this 25L wash station!

Phrozen Sonic Saber - The Ultrasonic Cutter
Brand Phrozen
Price 6999(TAX)
Weight 300g

The Phrozen Sonic Saber uses up to 40,000 vibrations per second to create superb cuts! Precise cuts, easy to create the perfect model! Whether it's a tiny support in a complex model or tolerance trimming on a component model, the Phrozen Sonic Saber makes precise cuts to remove supports without leaving any residue, while preserving all print details to create a perfect 3D model!

Phrozen Building Platform - Mini Series
Brand Phrozen
Price 1799(TAX)
Weight 330g

Phrozen Building Platform - Mini Series suitable for:Phrozen Shuffle、Shuffle Lite、Shuffle 2019、Shuffle 4K、Sonic、Sonic 4K、Sonic Mini 4K、Sonic Mini 8K。

Phrozen Building Platform - Mighty Series
Brand Phrozen
Price 2099(TAX)

Phrozen Building Platform - Mighty Series, especially for Phrozen Sonic Mighty 3D Printers.

Phrozen Building Platform - Mega Series
Brand Phrozen
Price 4199(TAX)

Phrozen Building Platform - Mega Series

Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K S 同捆包
Brand Phrozen
Original price 69331
Price 68100(TAX)

無論您是經營微型農場還是按需列印業務,Sonic Mega 8K S 都將是您的最佳夥伴!它的 15 英寸印版、新型高速系統和 ACF 離型膜將提高您的效率。再加上 8K 列印質量,Sonic Mega 8K S 將提高您的生產效率,超越客戶的期望!

Phrozen Sonic Mega 8k V2 同捆包
Brand Phrozen
Original price 136079
Price 132000(TAX)

Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K V2 LCD光固化3D列印機 新機預購!!!!

Phrozen Aluminum Resin Vat - Mini Series
Brand Phrozen
Price 1049(TAX)

Phrozen Aluminum Resin Vat - Mini series suitable for Sonic Mini, Sonic Mini 4K and Sonic Mini 8K. The resin Vat is made with all-metal CNC and anodization. It is durable and comes with a stable structure to ensure the 3D printing process goes as smoothly as possible.

Phrozen Aluminum Resin Vat - Mighty Series
Brand Phrozen
Price 2499(TAX)

Phrozen Aluminum Resin Vat - Mini series suitable for Sonic Mighty 4K and Sonic Mighty 8K. The resin Vat is made with all-metal CNC and anodization. It is durable and comes with a stable structure to ensure the 3D printing process goes as smoothly as possible.

Phrozen Aluminum Resin Vat - Mega Series
Brand Phrozen
Price 6299(TAX)

Phrozen Aluminum Resin Vat - Mini series suitable for Sonic Mighty 4K and Sonic Mighty 8K. The resin Vat is made with all-metal CNC and anodization. It is durable and comes with a stable structure to ensure the 3D printing process goes as smoothly as possible.

Phrozen 樹脂槽蓋系列
Brand Phrozen
Price 399(TAX)

適用機型:Phrozen Make XL/Shuffle XL/Shuffle XL 2019

Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K T板Z軸升級套件
Brand Phrozen
Price 2175(TAX)

Phrozen LCD 螢幕保護貼
Brand Phrozen
Price 299(TAX)


Phrozen LCD 黑色框貼
Brand Phrozen
Price 189(TAX)

Phrozen LCD黑色框貼經過特殊加工和成型,在安裝LCD面板時不再需要切割膠帶,易於使用、簡化LCD更換過程,提高光固化3D列印效率。

FLUX HEXA 超規格智慧雷射切割機
Brand FLUX
Price 139000(TAX)

FLUX HEXA 超規格智慧雷射切割機是搭載 60W CO2 雷射的雷射切割機,可切割與雕刻木頭、皮革、壓克力、紙張等常見材料。FLUX HEXA主打以簡單直覺的使用操作、完善的軟硬體設計,提供更好的售後服務,以解決大量的雷雕與雷切專業需求。

FLUX Ador Color Printing Laser Cutter
Brand FLUX
Price 29900(TAX)
Weight 19kg

Meet FLUX Ador, the world’s first color printing laser cutter. Powered by three high-quality, interchangeable modules, Ador enables you to engrave and cut through a wide range of materials while enhancing your projects with a pop of color.

FLUX Ador 擴充底座套件
Brand FLUX
Price 5990(TAX)

Ador 擴充底座套件專為 Ador彩色列印雷射切割機而設,可容納更厚的材料以及使用旋轉軸的必備配件,為你的創作增添更多可能!

FLUX Ador 擴充底座 + 旋轉軸套件
Brand FLUX
Price 9990(TAX)

Ador 擴充底座+旋轉軸套件專為 Ador彩色列印雷射切割機而設。旋轉軸打破只能平面雕刻的限制,用於各式圓柱物品的表面上雕刻,而擴充底座則使 Ador更進一步,能容納更厚的材料以及是使用旋轉軸的必備配件!

FLUX Ador 旋轉軸套件
Brand FLUX
Price 6000(TAX)

Ador 旋轉軸套件專為 Ador彩色列印雷射切割機而設,打破只能平面雕刻的限制,用於各式圓柱物品的表面上雕刻(需配備擴充底座一同使用)!

Brand FLUX
Price 2499(TAX)


Promark 腳踏板
Brand FLUX
Price 690(TAX)


Promark 竹節管
Brand FLUX
Price 990(TAX)

竹節管可用於連接雷射雕刻機與 Beam Air 雷雕專用空氣淨化器或其他廠商空氣淨化器,可自由可彎曲定位並將加工中產生的煙霧、粉塵和氣體排出機外,確保工作環境的清潔和安全。

Beam Air Pro 雷雕專用智能空氣淨化器
Brand FLUX
Price 42000(TAX)
Weight 49KG

Flux Beam Air Pro雷雕專用空氣淨化器全新升級,Beam Air Pro 配備比 Beam Air 過濾效能更高的三層過濾系統,有效捕捉粉塵與阻絕氣味,達成創作空間的雷雕氣味最小化。Beam Air Pro 的寬入風口設計除了可以與 FLUX 全機型做搭配使用,也適配多元廠牌的雷切機,為你層層把關創作環境的空氣品質。

WAZER 桌上型水刀切割機
Brand FLUX
Price 399000(TAX)
Weight 42kg


WAZER 落地型水刀切割機
Brand FLUX
Price 419000(TAX)
Weight 60kg


Lazervida 10W Diode Laser Cutter
Brand FLUX
Price 13900(TAX)
Weight 4kg

The Lazervida 10W Diode Laser Cutter is designed for small businesses, entrepreneurs, designers and their enthusiasts. Lightweight and powerful, it takes less than an hour to set up and start engraving and cutting all kinds of materials to realize your creativity!

FLUX Lazervida Shield
Brand FLUX
Weight 6kg

Made from acrylic panels, the Lazervida Shield protects you from dangerous laser light. The rear air outlet can easily be connected to an air hose - this helps to filter out the harsh molecules and bad odours produced when engraving with your laser.

FLUX Lazervida Air Assist Add-on
Brand FLUX
Price 2800(TAX)
Weight 1.2kg

The Lazervida Air Assis Add-on is designed exclusively for lasers with an optimized airflow path and increased air volume to effectively disperse dust and smoke. The cone spacers helps to avoid reflective burn marks on the back of the material during laser cutting. The dual combination provides more exquisite laser engraving and cutting work.

FLUX Lazervida Rotary Add on
Brand FLUX
Price 3800(TAX)
Weight 2.3kg

Rotary Add-on allows you to expand 2D surfaces to laser engrave circular objects like wine bottles, thermoses, and many more cylindrical shapes.

Promark 手持式光纖打標機
Brand FLUX
Price 79800(TAX)
Weight 6.8KG

Promark 手持式光纖打標機集性能與便攜於一身。具備 7000mm/s 打標速度,0.03mm 超精細光斑,6.8 公斤的輕巧設計,長達 15 小時的待機時間,讓隨時隨地進行高效雕刻成為可能。

Promark 桌上型光纖打標機
Brand FLUX
Price 64900(TAX)
Weight 18.2KG

Promark 桌上型光纖打標機擁有超高的 10,000mm/s 打標速度,搭配 0.03mm 超精細光斑,讓每個細節都栩栩如生。220 x 220mm 的大工作範圍,結合內建相機預覽及電動升降對焦功能,讓高效打標成為現實,助你輕鬆創造卓越作品。

Promark 桌上型 MOPA 光纖打標機
Brand FLUX
Price 89900(TAX)
Weight 19.2KG

Promark 桌上型 MOPA 光纖打標機擁有超高的 10,000mm/s 打標速度,搭配 0.03mm 超精細光斑,讓每個細節都栩栩如生。結合內建相機預覽及電動升降對焦功能,讓高效打標成為現實,助你輕鬆創造卓越作品。

Beambox II 雷射雕刻機 55W
Brand FLUX
Price 89900(TAX)

Promark 桌上型光纖打標機擁有超高的 10,000mm/s 打標速度,搭配 0.03mm 超精細光斑,讓每個細節都栩栩如生。220 x 220mm 的大工作範圍,結合內建相機預覽及電動升降對焦功能,讓高效打標成為現實,助你輕鬆創造卓越作品。

Wisely D80 rotary 旋轉軸
Brand Wisely
Price 11800(TAX)

使用Wisely D80 旋轉軸,讓您的雷射打標工作更便捷、立體。此款旋轉軸可加工所有金屬材料,如金、銀、銅、不銹鋼、鋁等,和一些非金屬材料。為您的Wisely 鐳射打標機添“一臂之力”!

MINI Hand-held Laser Marker (Chargeable) - 30w
Brand Wisely
Price 196000(TAX)
Weight 9.1 KG

Wisely MINI handheld laser marking machine series (rechargeable) is high-speed small scanning oscilloscope, positioning accuracy, handheld portable and can be used in any location offline operation with 7 hours of battery life. This is suitable for marking gold, silver, brass, copper, steel, stainless steel, aluminum, acrylic, ABS, nylon, PVC, rubber and so on.

LP Fiber Laser Refurbished - 50W
Brand Wisely
Price 150500(TAX)
Weight 80kg

Affordable Fiber Laser Marking Machine - Portable Style, easy to move and load the material, can work with customized automatic matching system. It can mark most metals, such as Stainless Steel, Brass, Aluminium, Steel, Iron etc, and can also mark on many non-metal materials, such as ABS, Nylon, PES, PVC, Makrolon.

Wisely lens 聚焦鏡系列
Brand Wisely
Price 5100(TAX)

頂級品牌Wavelengh F-theta 鏡頭。聚焦光斑小,打標效果好,功耗低,穩定性高!使用雷射打標機時,聚焦鏡可以將雷射光束聚焦在光斑上,確保雷射打標效果清晰。

LP Fiber Laser Series
Brand Wisely
Price 175000(TAX)
Weight 90kg

The WISELY LP Fiber Laser Marker for metals and plastics is portable, small and easy to transport. The machine can be used with customized automatic matching system. It adopts JPT LP laser light source with superior laser beam, stable performance and high reliability. The machine can process all metal materials, such as gold, silver, copper, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.; and some non-metallic materials, is an all-round laser marking machine.

MOPA Fiber Laser Series
Brand Wisely
Price 398000(TAX)
Weight 90kg

The WISELY MOPA Fiber Laser Marker for metals and plastics is portable, small and easy to transport. The machine can be used with customized automatic matching system. It adopts JPT LP laser light source with superior laser beam, stable performance and high reliability. The machine can process all metal materials, such as gold, silver, copper, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.; and some non-metallic materials, is an all-round laser marking machine.

Raycus Fiber Laser Series
Brand Wisely
Price 135000(TAX)
Weight 80kg

The WISELY Raycus Fiber Laser Marker for metals and plastics is portable, small and easy to transport. The machine can be used with customized automatic matching system. It adopts JPT LP laser light source with superior laser beam, stable performance and high reliability. The machine can process all metal materials, such as gold, silver, copper, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.; and some non-metallic materials, is an all-round laser marking machine.

MakerBot SKETCH Large 3D列印機
Brand MakerBot
Price 132300(TAX)

順應時代新趨勢,MakerBot SKETCH 為您提供將 3D 列印技術成功融入教學領域所需的一切——無論是回到課堂還是在家教學。MakerBot SKETCH 3D列印機課堂教學組合提供超過15小時的在線課程,和用於管理學生項目的雲端軟體,您可以藉此釋放學生無限的3D列印創造潛力。利用2台3D列印機,教師們可以提供給學生更多動手操作的機會!
Method XL 可提供精確的工程級 ABS 原型,由其加熱的建造板和腔室提供動力。它保證了強大的層黏附力,透過水溶性支撐實現複雜的幾何形狀,並透過其內建的 HEPA 過濾器來保障空氣品質。

MakerBot Method 3D列印機
Brand MakerBot
Price 240000(TAX)

美國 MakerBot 公司成立於 2009 年,是首批研發 FFF/FDM 3D列印機的公司之一。2018年,利用 Stratasys 的工業技術和專業知識,MakerBot 首次推出 Method 3D列印機,這是一款旨在結合桌面和工業3D列印功能的3D列印機。它配備一個循環加熱室,能控制每層的溫度和質量,從而提高層附著力和3D列印質量。3DMart 三帝瑪為您精選 MakerBot 優質3D列印機,台灣、香港門店有供應,快進來看看吧。

MakerBot Method X 3D列印機
Brand MakerBot
Price 280000(TAX)

美國 MakerBot 公司成立於 2009 年,是首批研發 FFF/FDM 3D列印機的公司之一。2019年,利用 Stratasys 的工業技術和專業知識,MakerBot 推出 Method X 3D列印機,這是一款顛覆性的3D列印機,功能與精度超越了前期的METHOD。它配備一個循環加熱室,最高溫度可達110°C,能控制每層的溫度和質量,從而提高層附著力和3D列印質量。3DMart 三帝瑪為您精選 MakerBot 優質3D列印機,台灣、香港門店有供應,快進來看看吧。
METHOD 碳纖維 3D列印機是 METHOD 平台的最新產品,採用碳纖維增強尼龍,對高強度和耐熱性進行了優化。METHOD X 碳纖維版本預配置了新的複合材料噴頭(1C),該噴頭經過優化,可處理研磨材料,也可用於升級METHOD和METHOD X 3D列印機。METHOD 碳纖維 3D列印機配備更堅硬的金屬驅動齒輪,金屬線材出入口,和可互換的硬鋼噴頭。它可以3D列印 MakerBot 尼龍碳纖維材料以及 METHOD 平台上支持的所有副廠材料。

MakerBot SKETCH 3D列印機教學組合
Brand MakerBot
Price 50000(TAX)

順應時代新趨勢,MakerBot SKETCH 為您提供將 3D 列印技術成功融入教學領域所需的一切——無論是回到課堂還是在家教學。MakerBot SKETCH 3D列印機教學組合提供超過15小時的在線課程,和用於管理學生項目的雲端軟體,您可以藉此釋放學生無限的3D列印創造潛力!
順應時代新趨勢,MakerBot SKETCH 為您提供將 3D 列印技術成功融入教學領域所需的一切——無論是回到課堂還是在家教學。MakerBot SKETCH 3D列印機課堂教學組合提供超過15小時的在線課程,和用於管理學生項目的雲端軟體,您可以藉此釋放學生無限的3D列印創造潛力。利用2台3D列印機,教師們可以提供給學生更多動手操作的機會!
Funmat HT 是一款高溫列印的3D列印機,可以3D列印PEEK、ULTEM、PPSU等高性能材料,還可以3D列印多種工程塑料,如PA、PC、ABS...等;3D列印成品精度可達50微米,Funmat HT具有先進設計,450°C高溫全金屬噴頭、160℃ 3D列印平台、90℃ 恆溫腔室,列印尺寸可高達 260*260*260mm。
Funmat Pro 410工業級智能雙噴頭高溫3D列印機,列印尺寸高達305 x 305 x 406mm,可處理多種複雜結構,雙噴頭溫度可達500℃、平台溫度可達160℃、3D列印空間溫度可達90℃;可以3D列印 PEEK、PEEK-CF、PEKK、ULTEM、PPSU等高性能3D列印線材,還可以列印像PA、PC、ABS、PETG這樣的工業級塑料,內置線性導軌及驅動系統,讓 Funmat Pro 410可高速的3D列印高精度的成品。

Intamsys Funmat Pro 610 HT 3D列印機
Brand Intamsys
Weight 1450kg

Funmat Pro 610 HT高端工業級大尺寸3D列印機,列印尺寸高達610*508*508mm,是 Intamsys系列機型目前尺寸最大、功能最齊全的 3D列印機,可以為航空航天、汽車製造、工裝夾具等各個行業中,適合客製化和小量生產零件測試工程;除此之外,Funmat Pro 610 HT 3D列印機還具備先進的超高溫系統管理設計:全金屬雙噴頭溫度可達500℃,恆溫室內溫度可達300℃。
In order to respond to the high quality and diversified needs of our customers quickly, INTAMSYS has been exploring the technology in depth. On 15th November, the new member of the FUNMAT series - FUNMAT PRO 310 - was officially launched worldwide. The new product was launched live stream at the INTAMSYS headquarters in Shanghai and at Formnext Frankfurt. FUNMAT PRO 310 combines the latest technologies into one, allowing engineers to focus on business innovation and meet the needs of a wide range of applications.

FORMART S Smart Vacuum Former
Price 28900(TAX)
Weight 12.8Kg

Traditionally, the cost of making a single mould is high, the MOQ can be as high as 500 and the production process can take up to 6-8 weeks. With the intelligent Desktop Vacuum Former, it only takes 5 minutes to make just one! Professionalism and convenience, you no longer have to choose between the two. FORMART has reduced the size of industrial grade machines, allowing you to save a lot of cost and time and turn your creativity into a promising business!

FORMART 2 Smart Vacuum Former
Price 64890(TAX)
Weight 25Kg

Traditionally, it costs $60,000 to make one mould, 500 MOQs and a production time of 6-8 weeks. With the intelligent desktop vacuum forming machine, it takes only 5 minutes to make just one! Professionalism and convenience, you no longer have to choose between the two, FORMART has reduced the size of industrial grade machines so you can save a lot of cost and time and turn your creativity into a promising business!

FORMART SE Vacuum Former (Special Edition)
Price 49800(TAX)
Weight 24Kg

Traditionally, it costs $60,000 to make one mould, 500 MOQs and a production time of 6-8 weeks. With the intelligent desktop vacuum forming machine, it takes only 5 minutes to make just one! Professionalism and convenience, you no longer have to choose between the two, FORMART has reduced the size of industrial grade machines so you can save a lot of cost and time and turn your creativity into a promising business!
Not satisfied with the finished product? Printing model with filaments that emit excess material? In the new era of environmental protection, here is a solution for you! 3Devo's Filament Maker ONE series of filament makers can mix different materials to create new filaments, a great way to recycle your wires and save some money!
成品不滿意?列印的線材會排出多餘的材料?來到環保新時代,這裏有一個適合你的解決方法!3Devo的Filament Maker TWO 升級版的線材製造機系列能把各種材料混合而成新的線材,達至循環再用、讓你的線材能物盡其用又能節省一些成本的好方法,亦為線材製造帶來了新高度!
3Devo Plastic Shredder GP20 塑膠粉碎機能將任何形狀和尺寸的塑膠回收成顆粒尺寸的 3D 列印材料。這種雙重設計將智慧塑膠粉碎機與整合式造粒機結合在一起,讓您能夠專注於您的需求,粉碎機的功能使您可以自由、靈活地將其整合到任何行業的任何項目中。

Raise3D Pro3 3D列印機
Brand Raise 3D
Price 198000(TAX)
Weight 76.6kg

Raise3D 全新自主研發推出的雙噴頭3D列印機 Pro3系列,可滿足高產能以及大尺寸快速原型開發的需求,具有高精度、穩定運行等特點。Pro3系列與EVE智慧助手,ideaMaker3D切層軟體,RaiseCloud遠端控制軟體的配合為您帶來更智能、輕鬆操作的列印體驗。

Raise3D E2 3D列印機
Brand Raise 3D
Original price 148000
Price 128000(TAX)
Weight 35kg

Raise3D E2 3D列印機是具有獨立雙擠出噴頭(也稱為 IDEX)的桌面 3D列印機。​IDEX使E2能夠執行更高級的功能,例如鏡像模式和復制模式,使其成為專業3D列印的理想選擇。這款 IDEX 3D列印機配備了 Easy Swap 噴頭,在執行維護或日常列印任務時更加方便。E2的平台自動對齊和彈性列印平台功能,有助於生產高質量的3D列印部件。 這款桌面3D列印機可以搭配多種不同的3D列印線材,其獨特的擠出機齒輪設計使其能夠使用柔性3D列印線材,如更可靠,效果更好的TPU。

HAKKO FX-888D拆消靜電電焊台
Weight 1.2kg

HAKKO FX-888D ESP拆消靜電電焊台,採用數碼顯示操作,設定溫度一目了然,配備便捷高效的溫度管理功能,多功能焊鐵架配有與控制台同一色調造型的焊鐵架,大幅提高工作效率。

HAKKO FX-838高熱容量電焊台
Price 16000(TAX)
Weight 3.2kg

HAKKO FX-838高熱容量電焊台,擁有150W強勁功率,回熱速度非常迅速,可使用較低焊接溫度,減低熱衝擊對組件及焊咀的影響;適用於焊接電源線、多層電路板、散熱器、屏蔽外殼等需要大熱容量之作業,或焊接微型組件密集之多層電路板。

HAKKO FX-951拆消靜電電焊台
Weight 12kg

HAKKO FX-951拆消靜電電焊台,垂直機身設計比起傳統的焊台更省空間,把焊台與焊鐵架裝置連接,即可啟動省電功能;升級省電功能、插卡式溫度控制、溫度補正功能...等功能齊全,並備有80多款焊咀,能應付各類焊接工作。

HAKKO FA-430空氣淨化吸煙機
Weight 7.5 kg

HAKKO FA-430空氣淨化吸煙機,採用1.500Pa靜態壓力高效能馬達,吸煙管消音設計,降低大量噪音;配合自由定形導管、三段吸入風量模式,滿足不同工作需要及消除有毒煙霧。
Revopoint POP 3 3D掃描器採用雙目微結構光,配備高精度的紅外線攝影鏡頭,精度高達0.05mm,3D單點點距0.1mm,適合(彩色)3D列印工作者、VR/AR、3D動畫。
Revopoint POP 3 3D掃描器採用雙目微結構光,配備高精度的紅外線攝影鏡頭,精度高達0.05mm,3D單點點距0.1mm,適合(彩色)3D列印工作者、VR/AR、3D動畫。
Revopoint MINI 3D掃描儀可以輸出點距可達0.05mm,單幀精度可達0.02mm的模型。 所有這一切都是通過工業級的專業校準工具來實現的。 無論您需要對珠寶、硬幣、工業零配件等物體進行 3D 掃描,如果您的目標是實現高精度的 3D 模型,MINI 3D 掃描儀是您的最佳選擇。

Revopoint POP 3 攜帶式 3D 全彩高精度掃描器 -【標準版】
Brand Revopoint
Original price 21790
Price 20900(TAX)
Weight 195g

Revopoint POP 3 3D掃描器採用雙目微結構光,配備高精度的紅外線攝影鏡頭,精度高達0.05mm,3D單點點距0.1mm,適合(彩色)3D列印工作者、VR/AR、3D動畫。

Revopoint MetroX 線雷射3D掃描器
Brand Revopoint
Original price 41500
Price 29000(TAX)
Weight 508g


Bambu Lab P1S Combo 3D printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 32499(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Anti-Vibration Feet - for X1,P1
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 400(TAX)

These rubber feet are designed to decouple the Bambu Lab P1P from other 3D printers on the same surface by absorbing vibrational energy, helping to minimize machine wear caused by vibrations.

Bambu Lab AMS Hub
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 2200(TAX)

The AMS Hub is used to expand the number of AMS connected to Bambu X1/P1 series printers from 1 AMS unit(4 channels) to a maximum of 4 AMS units(16 channels) to improve the refueling speed across your multiple AMS units and support the redundancy of a buffered signal.

Bambu Lab X1E 3D Printer (With AMS)
Brand Bambu Lab
Original price 99800
Price 93800(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab Hardened Steel Extruder Unit -X1C Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 1950(TAX)

Bambu Lab 拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D 打印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品--X1 系列高速智能3D 打印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩打印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級打印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 打印革命的序幕。用戶在打印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

拓竹 Bambu Lab AMS自動供料系統
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 12549(TAX)

Bambu Lab 拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D 打印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品--X1 系列高速智能3D 打印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩打印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級打印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 打印革命的序幕。用戶在打印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

Bambu Lab P1S 3D printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 24299(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

熱端矽膠套-P1, X1
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 290(TAX)

Bambu Lab 熱端矽膠套由優質矽膠製成,具有更高的耐溫性(額定溫度高達 300°C)。矽膠套為熱端提供最佳的隔熱性能,使其在列印過程中保持穩定的溫度,同時也能提供持久的保護,防止線材黏在熱端上。

拓竹 Bambu Lab X1E 3D列印機 同捆包 【加強保固】
Brand Bambu Lab
Original price 132410
Price 128400(TAX)

Bambu Lab拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品 — X1系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。
Bambu Lab拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品 — X1系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

拓竹 Bambu Lab A1 3D列印機 基礎同捆包
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 14649(TAX)

Bambu Lab拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品 — X1系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。
Bambu Lab拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品 — X1系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

拓竹 Bambu Lab A1 Mini 3D列印機 基礎同捆包
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 10629(TAX)

Bambu Lab拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品 — X1系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。
Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.
Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab A1 Mini Combo 3D Printer (With AMS Lite)
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 14699(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab A1 Combo 3D Printer (With AMS Lite)
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 18499(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer tech company focusing on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, bringing creativity to a whole new level. Now introducing A1 combo 3D printers!!!
Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab A1 Mini 3D Printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 8979(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab A1 3D Printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 12999(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer tech company focusing on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, bringing creativity to a whole new level. Now introducing A1 combo 3D printers!!!

Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 3D Printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 43999(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Combo 3D Printer
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 53449(TAX)

Bambu Lab is a consumer technology company focused on desktop 3D printers. Starting with the X1 series, Bambu Lab builds state-of-the-art 3D printers that break down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, taking creativity to a whole new level. Bambu Lab established in 2020, currently have three locations in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China and Austin, Texas, USA.

Bambu 3D Effect Sheets Combo with Plate
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 150(TAX)

Bambu Lab introduces a set of 3D effect stickers to make your finished products more colourful. Four types of stickers - Galaxy, Carbon Fibre, Starry Night and Diamond Surface - give you a different experience!

Hotend Silicone Sock / 熱端矽膠套-A1系列
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 160(TAX)

Bambu Lab 熱端矽膠套由優質矽膠製成,具有更高的耐溫性(額定溫度高達 300°C)。矽膠套為熱端提供最佳的隔熱性能,使其在列印過程中保持穩定的溫度,同時也能提供持久的保護,防止線材黏在熱端上。

拓竹 Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Combo 3D列印機 同捆包【加強保固】
Brand Bambu Lab
Original price 82750
Price 76690(TAX)

Bambu Lab 拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D 打印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品--X1 系列高速智能3D 打印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩打印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級打印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 打印革命的序幕。用戶在打印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。
Bambu Lab 拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D 打印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品--X1 系列高速智能3D 打印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩打印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級打印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 打印革命的序幕。用戶在打印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

Bambu Textured PEI (Gold) Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 700(TAX)

Bambu Lab Textured PEI Plate is Flexible, removable, high strength, and heat resistance, The Four-Layer design, thicker and more durable. Easily handle temperatures up to 130°C. And perfect for PLA, PETG,TPU, ABS Excellent adhesion and easy print removal. After printing, just slightly bend the PEI sheet platform, and you can remove the print easily

拓竹 Bambu Lab P1S Combo 3D列印機 同捆包【加強保固】
Brand Bambu Lab
Original price 58290
Price 51600(TAX)

Bambu Lab 拓竹科技是一家致力於用最前沿的機器人技術徹底革新桌面級3D 列印產業的公司。拓竹科技的第一款產品--X1 系列高速智能3D 列印機瞄準業內最強性能,在諸多關鍵性能上,實現了數量級上的進步,更是把多色彩列印、支持高性能工程塑料等工業級列印機技術帶入消費級產品,拉開了業界期待多年的桌面3D 列印革命的序幕。用戶在列印過程中能夠突破色彩和材料的限制,將創造力提升到了一個全新的水平,找到純粹的創造樂趣。拓竹科技成立於2020年,總部位於中國深圳,在深圳和上海設立了研發中心,並在美國奧斯汀設立辦公室。

Bambu Lab Smooth PEI Plate Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 1090(TAX)

The Bambu Lab Smooth PEI build plate helps improve Z-axis accuracy, ensuring greater precision and consistency of vertical dimensions and optimal print quality. It also helps when printing large models in materials that tend to warp, such as ABS, PC and nylon!

Bambu Dual-Texture PEI Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 900(TAX)

Bambu Dual-Texture PEI Plate : Two textures in one plate. Enjoy the benefits of two different textures in one plate, one side is Textured PEI surface and the other side is Smooth PEI surface.

Makera PCB Fabrication Pack
Brand Makera
Price 12800(TAX)

Let's turn your Carvera into a professional PCB factory! No matter if you are a beginner, you can create a professional and user-friendly PCB with the all-in-one package by yourself!

Makera 4th Axis Module
Brand Makera
Price 16800(TAX)

With Makera's 4th Axis Module, Much More Possibilities! The all-metal Makera's 4th Axis Module is versatile, detailed and easy to set up. You're no longer limited by any materials and let the machine do the rest to have a beautiful, precise and realistic craft!

Makera Spare Wireless Probe
Brand Makera
Price 6500(TAX)

The wireless probe is one of the critical components of Carvera which is used for auto-probing and auto-leveling.

Makera Carvera 桌上型CNC加工機
Brand Makera
Price 238000(TAX)

Makera 的 Carvera 是最智能的桌上型CNC加工機,具有自動換刀、自動探測、集塵、激光雕刻、旋轉模塊等功能。它可以自動無縫地為正確的作業更換正確的刀具,確保您獲得最佳結果 。 每台 Carvera 在離開 Makera 工廠之前都經過完全組裝、微調和測試。

3DMakerpro Mole 3D Scanner
Brand 3DMakerpro
Price 18800(TAX)

Mole features high precision, 3D scanning objects with an accuracy of up to 0.05mm to capture fine details. With a single capture range of 200*100mm and a scanning speed of up to 10FPS, it can quickly scan a medium-sized object. All of this can be output in the most widely used 3D file formats OBJ/STL/PLY, supporting immediate application or further creativity.

3DMakerpro Smart Grip 智慧握把
Brand 3DMakerpro
Price 10500(TAX)

3DMakerpro Seal 3D掃描器+Smart Grip 智慧握把適合初學者的入門級高精度3D掃描器,讓你輕鬆獲得高成功3D建模體驗,為玩具模型、人體模擬、3D建模、藝術品放大縮小、設計創作、AR、VR等領域提供經濟實惠、高cp質的3D掃描解決方案。

3DMakerpro Moose AI 藍光中尺寸3D掃描器
Brand 3DMakerpro
Price 19900(TAX)
Weight 280

3DMakerpro Seal 3D掃描器+Smart Grip 智慧握把適合初學者的入門級高精度3D掃描器,讓你輕鬆獲得高成功3D建模體驗,為玩具模型、人體模擬、3D建模、藝術品放大縮小、設計創作、AR、VR等領域提供經濟實惠、高cp質的3D掃描解決方案。
SIMSCAN 是一款手掌大小的手持式3D雷射掃描器,專為在狹窄的區域進行3D掃描而設計。它採用全金屬外殼,堅固可靠。SIMSCAN因其緊湊的尺寸、簡單性和強大的性能而成為專業3D掃描儀中的顛覆性創新。其前沿設計也榮獲德國紅點獎。
SIMSCAN 是一款手掌大小的手持式3D雷射掃描器,專為在狹窄的區域進行3D掃描而設計。它採用全金屬外殼,堅固可靠。SIMSCAN因其緊湊的尺寸、簡單性和強大的性能而成為專業3D掃描儀中的顛覆性創新。其前沿設計也榮獲德國紅點獎。
SIMSCAN 是一款手掌大小的手持式3D雷射掃描器,專為在狹窄的區域進行3D掃描而設計。它採用全金屬外殼,堅固可靠。SIMSCAN因其緊湊的尺寸、簡單性和強大的性能而成為專業3D掃描儀中的顛覆性創新。其前沿設計也榮獲德國紅點獎。
SIMSCAN 是一款手掌大小的手持式3D雷射掃描器,專為在狹窄的區域進行3D掃描而設計。它採用全金屬外殼,堅固可靠。SIMSCAN因其緊湊的尺寸、簡單性和強大的性能而成為專業3D掃描儀中的顛覆性創新。其前沿設計也榮獲德國紅點獎。

ScanTech 3DeVOK MT 3D掃描器
Brand ScanTech
Price 189000(TAX)

3DeVOK MT 3D掃描器 ,定位於更專業的生產力工具,依托工業3D掃描器的技術積累,配備創新的多光源技術,滿足多場景用戶需求;結合專業工具軟體、更靈活的參數設置、直觀高效的交互設計及穩定性能,全面提升工作效率。

brother NV-2700 電腦刺繡縫紉機
Brand brother
Original price 200000
Price 136000(TAX)

10針刺繡機;能用相機傳感器系統輕鬆實現刺繡定位。具Brother 獨有拼布刺繡功能。能透過My Stitch Monitor手機APP查看刺繡進度。

brother Innov-is M370 電腦刺繡縫紉機
Brand brother
Original price 59900
Price 48900(TAX)

10針刺繡機;能用相機傳感器系統輕鬆實現刺繡定位。具Brother 獨有拼布刺繡功能。能透過My Stitch Monitor手機APP查看刺繡進度。

brother PR-1055X商業用電腦刺繡機
Brand brother
Original price 549000
Price 499000(TAX)

10針刺繡機;能用相機傳感器系統輕鬆實現刺繡定位。具Brother 獨有拼布刺繡功能。能透過My Stitch Monitor手機APP查看刺繡進度。

LaserPecker 5 蜂鳥五代 高速雙光源雷雕機
Brand LaserPecker
Price 99890(TAX)
Weight 6kg


LaserPecker LP4/LP5/LX1 Series用 旋轉軸支架
Brand LaserPecker
Price 10590(TAX)
Weight 1.7kg

擴展了 LaserPecker 雕刻機的功能,可處理圓柱形和不規則形狀的物體,支援直徑從 3 毫米到 200 毫米。

LaserPecker LP4/LP5 Series用 滑台擴充套件
Brand LaserPecker
Price 6890(TAX)

顯著增加雕刻區域,允許更大、更複雜的項目。專為LaserPecker LP4/LP5設計,易於設定和使用,確保完美相容性和易於安裝。

LaserPecker 桌上型空氣濾淨器
Brand LaserPecker
Price 11890(TAX)
Weight 6.2kg

適用於所有雷射雕刻機的 LaserPecker 桌上型空氣濾淨器。

LaserPecker 桌上型空氣濾淨器濾芯(2入)
Brand LaserPecker
Price 4980(TAX)

4 級過濾系統:捕捉 99.97% 的空氣顆粒,包括灰塵、煙霧和煙霧,提供卓越的空氣品質。商品內容包含2個過濾器濾芯以及4個過濾棉。
Cutra 推出了一款新產品 - CtrlAX 超音波切割刀。 CtrlAX 超音波切割刀具有卓越的品質、功能、精確度和專業性,將改善您的所有切割任務。

Snapmaker J1/J1s Paired Hot End Kit Series
Brand Snapmaker
Price 3700(TAX)

Ideal for Snapmaker Independent Dual Nozzle (J1/J1s) 3D printers, the Dual Nozzle are also protected by a silicone sleeve that improves thermal insulation and stabilizes temperature for complete protection.

Snapmaker Extension Cord (For Rotary Module)
Brand Snapmaker
Price 380(TAX)

Snapmaker Extension Cord For Rotary Module has fast and stable data transmission between the Integrated Controller and the Rotary Module.

Snapmaker Hot End Series (For Dual Extrusion)
Brand Snapmaker
Price 1980(TAX)

Ideal for Snapmaker Artisan and 2.0 Dual Extrusion 3D Printing Module, the hot end refined for consistently high performance across a wide range of materials.

Snapmaker PEI Glass Plate (For Artisan)
Brand Snapmaker
Price 2280(TAX)

Snapmaker PEI Glass Plate for Artisan has a dual-sided design, glossy glass on side and PEI coating on the other.

Snapmaker CNC Carving Platform For Artisan Series
Brand Snapmaker
Price 1290(TAX)

The Snapmaker CNC Carving Platform is perfectly sized to fit the Artisan Series. It can protect the machine as a buffer, making it safer and giving a higher quality result.

Snapmaker Double-sided Plate For J1/ J1s
Brand Snapmaker
Price 1790(TAX)

The Double-sided PEI glass plate is a reserve plate for the Snapmaker J1/ J1s. One side of the plate is glossy glass while the other side is PEI coted.

Snapmaker 2.0 Quick Swap Kit Series
Brand Snapmaker
Price 4800(TAX)
Weight 2.8KG

The Snapmaker 2.0 Quick Swap Kit Series is a new system that allows you to switch between functions quickly. The kit set series have two choices to choose, they are compatible with Snapmaker 2.0 A250T/A250/F250 or A350T/A350/F350 .

Snapmaker 2.0 雙噴頭3D列印模組
Brand Snapmaker
Price 15000(TAX)

想找Snapmaker 2.0 3D列印的替換組件?來3DMart就可以找到!我們不僅提供Snapmaker2.0的各種機型,同時為您提供三種技術的不同組件(可獨立購買)。Snapmaker 2.0不僅適合剛入門的初學者,更受到專業自造者的青睞,新的機款對於需要列印大型物體或零件的工程師及設計師來說也更加便利。

Snapmaker J1 Print Cooling Fan Upgrade Kit
Brand Snapmaker
Price 1980(TAX)

Snapmaker J1s全新獨立雙噴頭技術(IDEX)用令人驚歎的廣泛的材料創造奇蹟,感受工業級傳輸精度的力量。工業級的傳輸精度,毫不費力校準來實現您的創作!與單噴頭列印機列印多種材料相比,IDEX雙噴頭換線材所需時間更短,減少不必要的浪費。此外,IDEX雙噴頭列印機可以防止交叉污染。

Snapmaker 20W & 40W Laser Module Series
Brand Snapmaker
Price 23659(TAX)

Snapmaker 20W & 40W Laser Modules are the latest high power diode laser add-ons with Air Assist. Snapmaker 2.0 and Artisan users can upgrade their printers to much more powerful desktop laser cutters with these two powerful modules!

Snapmaker Artisan 3-in-1 3D Printer - Premium
Brand Snapmaker
Price 120000(TAX)

Artisan is Snapmaker's latest generation 3-in-1 3D printer, bigger, stronger and easier to use than ever before, Artisan is set to be the next best thing to a desktop printer and is now available in a new Premium model that upgrades the 10W laser module to a 40W laser module, allowing you to cut and engrave more materials and more possibilities. materials, adding to the endless possibilities!

Snapmaker 空氣濾淨機
Brand Snapmaker
Price 16800(TAX)
Weight 12.7kg

當您在進行3D 列印、雷射切割或CNC雕刻時,可能會釋放 PM(顆粒物質)和 VOC(揮發性有機化合物)等化學物質,這些物質不僅會對空氣造成污染,對人體健康也有潛在的危害。您可以使用 Snapmaker 2.0 空氣淨化器進一步過濾它們,保護自己,保護環境。

Snapmaker 2.0 3D列印模組
Brand Snapmaker
Price 4980(TAX)

想找Snapmaker 2.0 3D列印的替換組件?來3DMart就可以找到!我們不僅提供Snapmaker2.0的各種機型,同時為您提供三種技術的不同組件(可獨立購買)。Snapmaker 2.0不僅適合剛入門的初學者,更受到專業自造者的青睞,新的機款對於需要列印大型物體或零件的工程師及設計師來說也更加便利。

Snapmaker 2.0 A250T / A250旋轉軸
Brand Snapmaker
Price 16000(TAX)
Weight 2.2kg

Snapmaker A250旋轉軸擁有內外緊夾的三爪固定裝置,為Snapmaker三合一3D列印機增加第4個軸,使其成為極其強大的桌上型雷雕/CNC加工設備;可加工材料從木材、工裝板、塑料、竹子、皮革、織物,到不透明亞克力…等,即使是中空心的物件也能進行高精度的CNC銑床雕刻。

Snapmaker A350T/A350 旋轉軸 緊急按鈕組合
Brand Snapmaker
Price 19000(TAX)
Weight 2.6kg

Snapmaker A350T/A350旋轉軸搭配Snapmaker緊急停止按鈕,使用強大的桌上型雷雕/CNC加工設備的同時,為雕刻過程提供額外的安全保障!

Snapmaker A250旋轉軸+緊急按鈕組合
Brand Snapmaker
Original price 20800
Price 18000(TAX)
Weight 2.4kg

Snapmaker A250旋轉軸搭配Snapmaker緊急停止按鈕,使用強大的桌上型雷雕/CNC加工設備的同時,為雕刻過程提供額外的安全保障!

Snapmaker 2.0 噴頭零件
Brand Snapmaker
Price 600(TAX)

適用機型包含Snapmaker 2.0系列三合一3D列印機(A150/ A250/ A350),0.4mm黃銅噴嘴同時由硅膠外殼保護,加強隔熱效果,穩定溫度以提供全面保護。

Brand Snapmaker
Price 1080(TAX)
Weight 1.85kg


Brand Snapmaker
Price 780(TAX)
Weight 1kg


Brand Snapmaker
Price 480(TAX)
Weight 0.3kg


Brand Snapmaker
Price 780(TAX)
Weight 0.9kg


Brand Snapmaker
Price 480(TAX)
Weight 0.6kg


Brand Snapmaker
Price 380(TAX)
Weight 0.3kg


Snapmaker 10W高功率雷射模塊
Brand Snapmaker
Price 11000(TAX)
Weight 0.63kg

10W雷射光模塊適用於Snapmaker 2.0 A250T/ A350T(第一代A250/ A350皆可)、Snapmaker 2.0 F250/ F350 3D列印機,擁有10W雷射光的功率,可以加工更廣泛種類的材料,雕刻速度可高達6000毫米/分鐘,同時可切割厚度達8毫米的椴木,速度是 1.6W雷射模塊的8倍!(注意:不適用於Snapmaker A150三合一3D列印機)

Snapmaker 2.0 三合一3D列印機/A350T
Brand Snapmaker
Price 48000(TAX)

Snapmaker 2.0 三合一3D列印機/A350T集結三合一3D列印、雷射雕刻、CNC銑床技術,全新升級冷卻系統、抗噪效能再提升!提高3D列印速度、高品質精度,保有Snapmaker一如既往的全金屬機身,模塊化的設計,組裝機器更容易,配備觸控螢幕,新手皆能輕鬆上手使用。

Snapmaker CNC 雕刻刀頭(5入)
Brand Snapmaker
Original price 800
Price 500(TAX)

Snapmaker CNC雕刻刀頭5入套裝中,鑽頭柄直徑為3.175mm,採用UF20鎢鋼合金,硬度高、耐磨、使用壽命長,Snapmaker Original和Snapmaker 2.0系列三合一3D列印機皆適用。

Snapmaker 2.0旋轉軸緊急停止按鈕
Brand Snapmaker
Price 2400(TAX)
Weight 0.2KG

Snapmaker緊急停止按鈕適用於A150/ A250/ A350的旋轉軸,開始旋轉雕刻時,若有些地方出錯需緊急終止作業,按下 Snapmaker 2.0緊急停止按鈕,設備就會立即停止,並於調整後重新開始;為3D列印、雷射雕刻和CNC雕刻提供額外的安全保障,只需按下停止按鈕,技術操作將立即停止。

Snapmaker Artisan 三合一3D列印機
Brand Snapmaker
Price 108000(TAX)


Snapmaker 2.0 A350T/Artisan/Ray 旋轉軸
Brand Snapmaker
Price 17000(TAX)
Weight 2.4kg

Snapmaker 2.0 A350T/Artisan 旋轉軸擁有內外緊夾的三爪固定裝置,為Snapmaker三合一3D列印機增加第4個軸,使其成為極其強大的桌上型雷雕/CNC加工設備;可加工材料從木材、工裝板、塑料、竹子、皮革、織物,到不透明亞克力…等,即使是中空心的物件也能進行高精度的CNC銑床雕刻。

Snapmaker 2.0 噴頭套件 升級版
Brand Snapmaker
Original price 600
Price 280(TAX)

適用機型包含Snapmaker 2.0系列三合一3D列印機(A150/ A250/ A350),0.4mm黃銅噴嘴同時由硅膠外殼保護,加強隔熱效果,穩定溫度以提供全面保護。
Snapmaker 2.0 3合1 3D列印機/雷射雕刻機/CNC的銑床擴充元件

Snapmaker 環氧雕刻材料組(3入)
Brand Snapmaker
Original price 700
Price 660(TAX)


Snapmaker 空氣淨化器替換濾芯 x 2
Brand Snapmaker
Price 8000(TAX)
Weight 6.1kg

當您在進行 3D 列印、雷射切割或CNC雕刻時,可能會釋放 PM(顆粒物質)和 VOC(揮發性有機化合物)等化學物質,這些物質不僅會對空氣造成污染,對人體健康也有潛在的危害。您可以使用 Snapmaker 2.0 空氣淨化器進一步過濾它們,保護自己,保護環境。 Snapmaker空氣淨化器替換濾芯將不同等級濾芯片都集成在一個濾芯中,更換非常簡單,只需把舊的向上抽出,再放入新的,一氣呵成!

Snapmaker Basswood Sheet 椴木雕刻板材(Original專用)10片
Brand Snapmaker
Price 380(TAX)
Weight 0.15kg


MDF Wood Sheet 纖維雕刻木板(A350專用)5片
Brand Snapmaker
Price 680(TAX)
Weight 1.45kg


Matterport Pro3 3D Scanner Performance kit
Brand Matterport
Price 259900(TAX)

Pro3 is the next-generation lidar camera for professionals in commercial and residential real estate, construction, insurance, and manufacturing. The Performance Kit includes all the accessories you need to capture large spaces faster than traditional laser scanners.

Matterport Pro2 3D Camera tripod Bundle
Brand Matterport
Price 133100(TAX)

Matterport PRO2 is a professional 3D interior scanner with 134 megapixels high-quality. With one click, you can quickly scan various sizes of Spaces in 3D, instantly generating high precision 2D floor plans and 3D virtual Spaces; Matterport Pro2 3D Camera-Aluminum tripod-Optional including: Matterport Pro2 3D Camera, Manfrotto 190XPRO aluminum tripod.

Matterport Pro3 Tripod Mount
Brand Matterport
Price 5900(TAX)
Weight 380g

The Pro3 Tripod Mount is required when scanning with Pro3. This is a Matterport-specific mount designed for Pro3; other clamps or mounts are not compatible with Pro3 and will not work.

Matterport Pro Series Tripod
Brand Matterport
Price 9000(TAX)
Weight 5 KG

The Matterport Pro Series Tripod fully adjusts to a range of user heights, making it easier than ever to compose your photos and videos! It works with both the Matterport Pro 2 and Pro 3 3D Interior Scanners.

Matterport Pro3 3D Lidar Scanner
Brand Matterport
Price 230000(TAX)

Matterport Pro3 is a professional 3D Lidar Scanner Digital Camera with 134 megapixels of high quality. It can 3D scan various space sizes with just one click quickly, and generate high precision 2D floor plans and 3D virtual spaces immediately.

Matterport Pro3 Replacement Battery
Brand Matterport
Price 7500(TAX)

Matterport PRO3 is the next-generation lidar camera that delivers high-resolution imagery, impressive accuracy, and the fastest capture speed.

Matterport Pro3 Charging Kit
Brand Matterport
Price 7900(TAX)
Weight 352g

Matterport PRO3 is the next-generation lidar camera that delivers high-resolution imagery, impressive accuracy, and the fastest capture speed.

Leica Blk360 G2 3D Interior Scanner
Brand Leica
Weight 0.85 kg

Leica BLK360 laser 3D interior scanner, a small size in one hand, high precision results, scanning 680,000 points per second, scanning range of 0.5-45 meters, a field of view of 360 ° x 270 °; using iOS, Android devices, with CYCLONE FIELD 360 software, can be simple remote operation, perfect for measuring a variety of large three-dimensional space, can also be shared with the Matterport 3D interior camera cloud storage space.

SpaceMouse Wireless Kit 2 無線滑鼠套件2
Brand 3Dconnexion
Price 9900(TAX)

高效的工程設計移動辦公所需的一切性能。你不總是在同一個地方工作,所以你的工具也需要滿足你的移動辦公需求。SpaceMouse Wireless Kit 滿足這些需求,為你提供一款經久耐用的無線設備,幫助你實現雙手協作的 CAD 工作方式。它可以讓工程設計工作更高效、更舒適。

SpaceMouse Pro Wireless 升級版3D無線滑鼠 - 藍芽版本
Brand 3Dconnexion
Price 14900(TAX)
Weight 563g

移動辦公越來越普遍,而具有 SpaceMouse Pro 強大功能的 SpaceMouse Pro Wireless 升級版3D無線滑鼠是專為移動辦公的工程師、建築師或設計師所定制。 SpaceMouse Pro Wireless 配備小型通用接收器、USB 集線器和時尚便攜保護殼,方便你隨身攜帶。

CREALITY RaptorX 混合紅外+線雷射光 3D掃描器
Brand Creality
Price 158000(TAX)
Weight 405G

34+7線 藍色雷射光線組合,雙劍合璧,不容小覷。
CREALITY RaptorX 3D掃描器,搭配無線掃描手柄,讓RaptorX擺脫線的束縛。無線掃描時,可用手機作為掃描器的屏幕,使掃描過程更加輕鬆自如。

CREALITY CR-Scan Raptor 雷射+紅外結構光 3D掃描器
Brand Creality
Price 49800(TAX)
Weight 372G

CR-Scan Raptor 藍色雷射和紅外線光源組合,涵蓋小、中、大物體的掃描,可滿足多樣化的工業3D掃描場景需求。
無需標記掃描,CR-Scan Raptor利用散斑匹配3D成像,快速、直接地掃描物體。

CREALITY CR-Scan Otter 紅外結構光 3D掃描器
Brand Creality
Price 29800(TAX)
Weight 390G

Small to Large, Scan It, Make It.
The IPEVO TOTEM 360 is a all-in-one solution for immersive conferencing. It provides a seamlessly stitched 360° image from four cameras, audio from a surround speaker, and voice pickup from an array of four beamforming microphones with AI noise reduction.
Eureka (收藏家) <15% RH ultra-low humidity 3D printing materials dedicated electronic moisture-proof box, so that you have a high success rate of the finished product, nylon material printing can have a flat surface, through the high-temperature nozzle smoothness can also be printed after the finished product finish is more refined, smooth, flat! This small detail is the secret of success and should not be underestimated!

收藏家 turbo-96P 全功能電子防潮箱
Brand Eureka
Price 15400(TAX)
Weight 14.5kg


Sinterit Lisa X SLS 3D列印機
Brand Sinterit
Weight 150kg

Lisa X 是一款全新的桌面 SLS 3D列印機,提供閃電般的打印速度、大的工作區域、對多種材料的訪問和開放的列印參數。所有這些都旨在讓您更自由地進行更多更快的創新。

Ultimaker - Print Core CC 0.4 噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 17000(TAX)

Ultimaker Print Core CC 0.4 噴頭是Ultimaker PrintCore 系列的最新產品,適用於從製造到原型設計的特定項目和應用。它既是 PrintCore CC Red 的更新版,亦是替代品,可提供更高的穩健性、可靠性等。

Ultimaker S5 - 3D列印機
Brand Ultimaker
Original price 268000
Price 260500(TAX)

易操作的桌上型3D列印機,有更大的體積,可以不斷提供列印出準確的工業級零件。 憑藉其簡單的設定,高運行時間和可靠的雙重擠出,Ultimaker S5可說是完整專業的3D列印解決方案。

Ultimaker S3 3D列印機
Brand Ultimaker
Original price 198800
Price 189500(TAX)

Ultimaker S3 是一款雙噴頭3D 列印機,提供高品質的3D列印物件並可使用複合線材──適用於更精簡的工作環境。Ultimaker S3配備先進技術,不僅操作容易、功能強大、穩定高效,是適合小型、創新企業在辦公室內採用的工業級3D列印機。

Ultimaker - Print Core CC 0.6 噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 17000(TAX)

Ultimaker Print Core CC 0.6 噴頭是Ultimaker PrintCore 系列的最新產品,適用於從製造到原型設計的特定項目和應用。它既是 PrintCore CC Red 的更新版,亦是替代品,可提供更高的穩健性、可靠性等。

Ultimaker S5 Air Manager 濾淨管家
Brand Ultimaker
Original price 39800
Price 38500(TAX)

Ultimaker S5 Air Manager 濾淨管家為 Ultimaker S5 3D 列印機提供封閉式、由內到外的空氣濾淨系統,確保更安全的工作環境。在3D 列印過程產生的所有超細微粒 (UFP) 氣體中,Air Manager 清淨管家的濾除效果高達 95%,避免人體暴露在無形的風險中,能為您的工作環境提供良好的保護效果。

Ultimaker - Print Core AA 0.8噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5700(TAX)

Material Station 智能進料站(S5 S7適用)
Brand Ultimaker
Price 142100(TAX)

Material Station 智能進料站與 Ultimaker S5 完美相容,重新開啟從材料輸送到3D列印的新紀元。Material Station 智能進料站最多可置入六捲線材,配備支援複合材料的進料齒輪、線材感測器、斷料偵測及自動換線…等功能,都能讓用戶更加節省時間,同時提高產量及品質。

FormBox 桌上型真空成型機
Brand Mayku
Original price 29000
Price 26000(TAX)

FormBox將工業用真空成型技術放上桌面,能使用任何家用吸塵器提供動力,並可與各種材料配合使用;快速、經濟、多功能且使用容易,快速將你的想像化為現實及量產。三帝瑪為Mayku FormBox台灣唯一總代理,更提供完整的技術維修及售後服務。

SHINING 3D - EinScan HX掃描器
Brand Shining 3D
Original price 498000
Price 398000(TAX)

SHINING 3D多年的3D掃描經驗和市場需求,創新的將藍色LED燈、藍色雷射光集成到EinScan HX手持式3D掃描器中;有雷射和LED混合光源,使EinScan HX可以掃描更大範圍的物體尺寸,滿足用戶的多種需求。

真空成型幫浦/ 真空機 VE-115(1/4HP)
Brand 3DMart
Price 4380(TAX)
Weight 6.3kg

真空成型幫浦/ 真空機(1/4HP)適用於真空成型機、灌冷媒抽真空、翻模、真空脫泡機,本體內部已內置逆止閥,保障氣體不回漏。

Ultimaker S5專用平台貼紙
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1380(TAX)


Ultimaker 2+ Connect Pro Bundle 3D列印機
Brand Ultimaker
Original price 124800
Price 123200(TAX)

Ultimaker 2+ Connect Pro Bundle整合兩種獨立設備:Ultimaker 2+ Connect 3D列印機、Ultimaker 2+ Connect 濾淨管家(Air Manager)。Ultimaker 2+ Connect工業級單噴頭3D列印機,透過連接網路即可輕鬆串聯每台3D列印機,配備最新觸控螢幕與Ultimaker 2+ Connect濾淨管家(Air Manager),保障工作環境品質和安全。 使用先進技術,操作容易、功能大、穩定高效,是台適合小型創新企業、學校機構使用的工業級3D列印機。

Phrozen Cure Beam:光固化UV燈筆
Brand Phrozen
Price 1999(TAX)
Weight 500g

Phrozen Cure Beam是一款專為模型後處理設計的可手持光固化UV燈筆。體型輕巧,筆長僅有62公釐,可以深入模型中空造型裡的內部空間,固化在一般固化燈運作時沒有照射到的區域。

Matterport Pro2 3D環景掃描器 MC250
Brand Matterport
Price 125000(TAX)
Weight 3.4KG

Matterport Pro2是專業的3D環景掃描器,擁有134百萬像素的高品質,只需一鍵就能快速3D掃描各種空間大小,立刻生成高精度的2D平面圖、3D虛擬空間。

Ultimaker 2+ Connect 3D列印機
Brand Ultimaker
Price 108900(TAX)
Weight 10.3KG

Ultimaker 2+ Connect工業級單噴頭3D列印機,透過連接網路即可輕鬆串聯每台3D列印機,配備最新觸控螢幕與濾淨管家(Air Manager),保障工作環境品質和安全。 使用先進技術,操作容易、功能大、穩定高效,是台適合小型創新企業、學校機構使用的工業級3D列印機。

Ultimaker S3/2+/3專用平台貼紙
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1380(TAX)


真空成型幫浦/ 真空機 VE-280(1HP)
Brand 3DMart
Price 14500(TAX)
Weight 16.7kg

真空成型幫浦/ 真空機 VE-280(1HP)雙電壓、二段式真空馬達,適用於真空成型機、灌冷媒抽真空、翻模、真空脫泡機、手套箱,有雙電壓110V/220V可切換。

UM2 Extended+ 進階配件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5500(TAX)

上次Ultimaker推了新的材料,許多人可能會擔心一些特殊材料會難以列印,這次Ultimaker 推出進階的3D列印配件組,讓你的物件可以在更穩定的環境下列印,並且和平台黏得更好降低翹曲!

FLUX beamo 雷射切割機
Brand FLUX
Price 37900(TAX)
Weight 22kg

FLUX beamo雷射切割機採用層厚0.05mm、解析度高達1,000 dpi精細雷射系統,自動對焦的功能可以準確的進行雷射切割、雕刻;機身僅四張A4紙的小尺寸適用於家庭、學校、企業、個人工作室。

FLUX beambox pro 雷射切割機
Brand FLUX
Price 79900(TAX)
Weight 48 kg

FLUX beambox pro升級級版的雷射系統,能更精準的切割與雕刻木質、皮革、壓克力、玻璃...等材料;Beambox pro高效能的線性滑軌,使您的每個雕刻成品都能達到工業級的品質。

SHINING 3D - EinScan Pro HD Scanner-Full pack
Brand Shining 3D
Price 288000(TAX)

SHINING 3D EinScan Pro HD delivers unparalleled performance in capturing high resolution and accuracy by handheld scanning. Exceptional versatility and powerful optimizations come together for the ultimate high-efficiency and professional-grade 3D scanning experience. It is reliable assistant for designers and engineers who care about high quality 3D modeling.

UM3 系列 維護套件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 8980(TAX)

BCN3D e3D Hotend 0.4mm噴頭
Brand BCN3D
Price 3490(TAX)

BCN3D e3D Hotend噴頭零件是由全球專家e3D™開發、製造的全金屬零件,可提供高品質的3D列印效果,在不同的工作環境下提供穩定的材料擠出效果。

Brand Phrozen
Price 3700(TAX)
Weight 1450g

Phrozen列印成型載台(13.3吋),Phrozen Transform 3D列印機專用。

508FS 真空成型機
Brand Formech
Price 598000(TAX)


桌上型CNC銑床加工機 MDX-50
Brand Roland
Price 514500(TAX)

MDX-50 桌上型CNC銑床加工機是市場上快速、精準且經濟實惠的機型之一,也是生產功能零件、卡扣零件和原型產品以及金屬模具和定制珠寶的理想之選,可提供價格實惠的先進數控切削處理。

508DT 真空成型機
Brand Formech
Price 398000(TAX)


桌上型CNC銑床加工機 SRM-20
Brand Roland
Price 199500(TAX)


SHINING 3D- 紋理相機 (For EinScan-HD)
Brand Shining 3D
Price 29500(TAX)

使用這個配件於您的EinScan-Pro HD上,該外部紋理相機能夠捕獲對象的全色3D數據。 將其附加到您的EinScan-Pro HD實現全色掃描。

Phrozen 鋁合金樹脂槽(13.3吋附底膜) Transform專用
Brand Phrozen
Price 5200(TAX)
Weight 1020g

Phrozen 鋁合金樹脂槽(8.9吋附底膜),適用於Phrozen Transform光固化3D列印機。

Snapmaker 2.0 A350T封閉式外罩
Brand Snapmaker
Price 19800(TAX)
Weight 22.2kg

Snapmaker 2.0 A350T封閉式外罩是由鋁合金、壓克力所製成,組裝簡單容易,堅固的外罩能保障使用者在作業過程中的安全;當外罩門被打開,雷射雕刻/切割作業會自動停止,確保安全門關閉後,可以透過點選觸控螢幕的選項來繼續進行製作。

Brand Roland
Price 267750(TAX)

Roland品牌在雕刻、切割產業處於領導地位,全新的DE-3 DGSHAPE桌上型旋轉雕刻機具有雷射標示、網路連接、自動深度調節和智能控制,是市面上最方便、直覺化的旋轉雕刻機。

Ultimaker 2+ Connect Air Manager 濾淨管家
Brand Ultimaker
Original price 25000
Price 18100(TAX)

Ultimaker 2+ Connect Air Manager清淨管家,為Ultimaker 2+ Connect 3D 列印機提供封閉式、由內到外的空氣濾淨系統,確保更安全的工作環境。在3D 列印過程產生的所有超細微粒 (UFP) 氣體中,Air Manager 清淨管家的濾除效果高達 95%,避免人體暴露在無形的風險中,能為您的工作環境提供良好的保護效果。

SHINING 3D - FootStation Pack足部掃描站台
Brand Shining 3D
Price 60000(TAX)
Weight 120KG

SHINING 3D FootStation Pack足部掃描站台,搭配使用手持式3D掃描器時可以更輕鬆、快速針對腳步進行3D掃描,精度高達±0.5mm,掃描後會即刻產生足部分析報告;而搭配EinScan Pro 2X Plus 3D掃描器,不但能掃描足部,還可以掃描人體其他部位(例如臉部、手臂、背部…等)。

FLUX beamo二極體雷射
Brand FLUX
Price 5200(TAX)

將FLUX beamo的二極體雷射套件安裝於CO2雷射頭旁邊,即可直接雕刻在不鏽鋼材質上;二極體雷射功率為5W,使用時雕刻範圍會縮小為250mm x 200mm。

FLUX beamo自動對焦配件
Brand FLUX
Price 4500(TAX)

將FLUX beamo自動對焦配件安裝在雷射頭上,即可自動調整雷射焦距至適當的位置,不需要手動調整的步驟,也能降低誤差、提高雕刻作業的精準度。

FLUX beamo旋轉軸
Brand FLUX
Price 9900(TAX)
Weight 9kg

擁有FLUX beamo旋轉軸可以雕刻直徑0.8公分至10公分,長度26公分內的圓柱體物件;除了能雷射切割、雕刻平面物件,也能加工玻璃容器、瓶子等彎曲物體。

Snapmaker 2.0 A250T封閉式外罩
Brand Snapmaker
Price 16400(TAX)
Weight 16.5kg

Snapmaker 2.0 A250T封閉式外罩是由鋁合金、壓克力所製成,組裝簡單容易,堅固的外罩能保障使用者在作業過程中的安全;當外罩門被打開,雷射雕刻/切割作業會自動停止,確保安全門關閉後,可以透過點選觸控螢幕的選項來繼續進行製作。
SHINING 3D的最新技術「光學追蹤」,手持式的Freescan Trak追蹤器有輕巧的機身、高效的掃描功能;Freescan Trak為工業用的掃描器,過程中不需要噴粉、貼紙,有效提高作業效率,適用於航空、汽車、航運、能源等行業的大規模3D檢測。

FLUX旋轉軸套件(beambox/ beambox pro適用)
Brand FLUX
Original price 6000
Price 2999(TAX)

​將Y軸與旋轉軸套件連接,安裝在FLUX beambox雷射切割機後,即可雕刻曲面物體!

FLUX beamo開蓋套件
Brand FLUX
Price 4500(TAX)

FLUX beamo的開蓋雕刻套件包含:雷射焦距延長桿、USB安全鎖、雷射安全眼鏡;安裝焦距延長桿後,雷射時可以對焦至beamo底蓋下1mm,最大工作區域為260x210mm。
Snapmaker 2.0 A350的3D列印平台,能確保高效的3D列印第一層附著力。

FLUX beamo CO2雷射管(30W)
Brand FLUX
Price 3990(TAX)

FLUX雷射管可依照三款設備機型做選擇(FLUX beamo/ FLUX beambox/ FLUX beambox Pro)
Phrozen 9.3" 4K 黑白LCD面板(Sonic Mighty 4K專用)

FLUX beambox CO2雷射管(40W)
Brand FLUX
Price 6550(TAX)

FLUX雷射管可依照三款設備機型做選擇(FLUX beamo/ FLUX beambox/ FLUX beambox Pro)
Snapmaker 2.0 A250的3D列印平台,能確保高效的3D列印第一層附著力。

FLUX beambox Pro CO2雷射管(50W)
Brand FLUX
Price 9400(TAX)

FLUX雷射管可依照三款設備機型做選擇(FLUX beamo/ FLUX beambox/ FLUX beambox Pro)

Ultimaker 2+ - Fan Bracket 風扇支架
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1300(TAX)

這是Ultimaker 2+ 升級後的風扇支架,全新的直吹設計,讓物件可以獲得更好的冷卻,加強3D列印機執行跨橋、傾斜、懸空的能力。

FLUX beamo蜂巢板/ 320x260(mm)
Brand FLUX
Price 900(TAX)


FLUX beambox蜂巢板/ 437x437(mm)
Brand FLUX
Price 1600(TAX)


Brand Ultimaker
Price 1400(TAX)

Ultimaker濾淨管家(Air Manager)的替換EPA濾心,可根據3D列印機、過濾器的狀況定期更換濾心,取決於所加工的線材的類型;使用高強度的線材,與常見的PLA相比,在環境空氣中容易產生更多的細微顆粒,建議至少每1500個列印小時更換一次濾心。

FLUX beambox蜂巢板/ 440x410(mm)
Brand FLUX
Price 1600(TAX)


FLUX beambox pro蜂巢板/ 628x410(mm)
Brand FLUX
Price 2400(TAX)


FLUX beambox pro蜂巢板/ 627x437(mm)
Brand FLUX
Price 2400(TAX)

沒有混亂,沒有浪費!Sinterit Lisa SLS專用粉末工具組,藉由這套全面的粉末工具,可以節省時間、節省粉末用量,同時又能使工作區保持整潔,提升2倍的3D列印效率!粉末工具涵蓋整個3D列印過程,從設備啟動、製作完工、後處理到清洗,工組組皆能提供最直接的協助。

Brand Sinterit
Price 55000(TAX)
Weight 15kg

可用於SLS 3D列印的後期處理工具,清潔列印物件的表面。
Phrozen Shuffle LCD模組(Shuffle 2018/Make專用)

Ultimaker2 升級套件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 18900(TAX)

ultimaker2系列3D列印機升級套件: 噴頭結構大更新、更可靠的進料馬達、可快速更換的噴嘴、優化的風散系統,讓您的列印更快速、準確,物件品質更光滑! 讓您的Ultimaker2 就此升級為Ultimaker2+囉~!

Flux Beam Air空氣過濾機
Brand FLUX
Price 11900(TAX)
Weight 17KG

Flux Beam Air空氣過濾機採用無刷電機,具備超強進風量,並搭配初效、中效、活性碳、醫療級高效共四層濾網層,有效阻隔雷射加工時產生的有害分子、氣味。

NANUK 935防水保護收納箱 黑色
Price 12200(TAX)
Weight 5.2kg

NANUK 935的兩個手把使用不鏽鋼材質,伸縮自如,有效防止在旅行、拖運過程中損壞;擁有防水、防塵、堅固的NK-7樹脂外殼,使用PowerClaw高級鎖扣系統,尺寸為559 x 356 x 229 mm,可緊密保護各種大型設備,也能在大多數航空拖運上使用。

NANUK 930防水保護收納箱 黑色
Original price 9900
Price 9800(TAX)
Weight 3.79KG

NANUK 930收納箱擁有防水、防塵、堅固的NK-7樹脂外殼,使用PowerClaw高級鎖扣系統,可緊密保護各種大型設備。
Sinterit ATEX工業吸塵器可安全的回收、清潔作業環境,使用簡單,快速回收所有在3D列印過程中撒落的粉末,時刻保持環景整潔,也能保障使用者安全;自動將收集的粉末放入專用的12L容器中,無需手動傳輸,可將其輕鬆倒入Sinterit粉末篩子中,或者將其關閉並留待進一步處理。
Sinterit Powder Handling Station(PHS)創造粉末燒結後處理的新品質,符合人體工學的設計,從初步篩粉到完整過濾重新使用,使後處理、粉末回收等程序更順利,也保持工作環境清潔。
專門為Sinterit Lisa和Lisa PRO SLS 3D列印機設計的平台,堅固、穩定、易於組裝,提供使用者最符合人體工學的工作空間,能有效改善工作流程;將輪子安裝在平台上後,可以輕鬆將3D列印機運送到安裝地點,並進行維修或表面清潔。

Brand Sinterit
Weight 22.5kg

粉末處理組合內容:Sinterit Powder Handling Station(PHS)粉末處理站/Sinterit ATEX工業吸塵器

SpaceMouse Wireless 工業級3D無線滑鼠 - 藍芽版本
Brand 3Dconnexion
Price 7900(TAX)
Weight 480g

SpaceMouse Wireless 工業級3D無線滑鼠,獲得專利的六自由度(6DoF)感應器,搭配2.4 GHz無線技術、續航力高達一個月的可充電電池,使用者可以隨時隨地使用,專為3D CAD軟體中提供直觀、精確的顯示效果設計,是標準滑鼠、鍵盤無法實現的導航方式和操控體驗!
Prusa系列3D列印機曾有屢獲殊榮的Original Prusa i3 MK2 3D列印機、Prusa i3 MK3 3D列印機,經過不斷發展,再推出升級版Prusa i3 MK3+3D列印機。透過重建的噴頭、大量的傳感器和可更換PEI彈簧鋼列印板的新型磁性MK52加熱平台,開發出該系列最好的3D列印機!

收藏家 AD-51P 暢銷經典防潮箱
Brand Eureka
Price 4200(TAX)


Brand 3DMart
Price 48000(TAX)


Polymaker - Polysher Nebulizer 酒精噴霧器
Brand Polymaker
Price 800(TAX)

「STEAM」教學中結合「科學 Science」、「科技 Technology」、「工程 Engineering」、「數學 Math」、「藝術 Art」五個主要元素,能幫助培養技術應用與解決問題的能力;受到AI人工智慧發展的挑戰,「STEAM」人才轉型將成為未來競爭力的關鍵。「進階版」比「基本版」具有更高階的專業性能,升級為工業級Ultimaker 3D列印、掃描器及更高功率的雷射加工機,是大專院校或企業用的常見設備,讓您可以在教室或工作室內進行多種加工製造及研究專案。
3Doodler 3D列印筆PLA材料成分為天然植物、顏色選擇多樣,可以讓你輕鬆的在玻璃、鐵製品上創作,若要使用透明、金屬顏色,PLA的選擇也較多,材料皆通過美國TRA認證無害、安全。

SpaceMouse® Enterprise 3D滑鼠企業版
Brand 3Dconnexion
Price 17900(TAX)
Weight 0.8kg

​SpaceMouse Enterprise配備六自由度 (6DoF) 傳感器,以及對標準和自定義快速視圖的即時訪問功能,查看 3D 模型比以往更加輕鬆自如。輕輕操縱控製帽即可順暢、直觀地進行 3D 導航,同時點擊一個按鍵還可以立即將模型定位到你選擇的標準視圖角度。新增的三個自定義快速視圖鍵為 SpaceMouse Enterprise 所獨有,打造出無與倫比的 3D 導航體驗。

工業用吸塵器 300BL
Brand Delfin
Price 90000(TAX)

精簡、操作容易的新型300BL是適合「歐盟ATEX 22」的粉塵環境下使用的工業吸塵器,新型單相無刷噴頭即使在ATEX 22的環境中連續應用中也能保持高強度吸力。

Polymaker - Polysher 酒精拋光機
Brand Polymaker
Original price 12800
Price 9800(TAX)


Brand 3DMart
Price 1350(TAX)

「STEAM」教學中結合「科學 Science」、「科技 Technology」、「工程 Engineering」、「數學 Math」、「藝術 Art」五個主要元素,能幫助培養技術應用與解決問題的能力;受到AI人工智慧發展的挑戰,「STEAM」人才轉型將成為未來競爭力的關鍵。多虧工業技術日漸普及,如今已有價格平實且容易使用的桌上型選擇,我們一次整合多種3D列印、掃描及真空成型、雷射加工機具等應用,是教學單位或中小型企業的常用設備,讓您可以在教室或工作室一次進行多種加工製造及研究專案。

Ultimaker 2 - TFM隔離耦合器
Brand Ultimaker
Price 790(TAX)

Ultimaker 2 PLUS - Heater Cartridge 加熱線
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1990(TAX)

polybox 線材防潮盒
Brand Polymaker
Price 1680(TAX)
Weight 1.7KG


Ultimaker 2 Plus - 0.25mm 原廠噴嘴
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1000(TAX)

XeTIN 炸菌精靈XTB-360
Brand XeTIN
Original price 22000
Price 16800(TAX)


Ultimaker 3 進階配件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 4980(TAX)

Ultimaker又推出了新的材料,許多人可能會擔心一些特殊材料會難以列印,這次Ultimaker 推出進階的3D列印配件組,讓你的物件可以在更穩定的環境下列印,並且和平台黏得更好降低翹曲!

Ultimaker - Print Core BB 0.8 噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5700(TAX)

Brand XeTIN
Original price 22000
Price 16800(TAX)
Weight 1.8kg

XeTIN XT-1000森氧機可以強效去除環境中84.4%的細菌、淨化空氣使室內環境有如森林一樣清新;且經實驗證實臭氧能夠有效對抗「類SARS病毒」!

Ultimaker S5 玻璃平台
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1980(TAX)

3Doodler Create PLUS 3D列印筆
Brand 3Doodler
Price 3580(TAX)


Ultimaker 2 - PT100 B sensor 感溫線
Brand Ultimaker
Price 2090(TAX)

450DT 真空成型機
Brand Formech
Price 298000(TAX)

Formech為更廣泛且價格合理的真空成型機帶來最新的技術和功能,新的450DT具有高分辨率數位PLC和觸控屏,可實現方便且精確的控制。 顯示螢幕有易於理解、直覺式控制的圖標,同時能方便地儲存和調整項目設定。

Ultimaker 2 Plus - 0.8mm 原廠噴嘴
Brand Ultimaker
Price 1000(TAX)

Ultimaker Olsson Block 0.8mm原廠噴嘴,方便清潔更換,最實用 20 - 200 micron 層厚都適合

Ultimaker - Print Core BB 0.4噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5700(TAX)

Ultimaker搭配專屬AA,BB核心噴頭,讓你的3D列印品質近乎專業。 由於其獨特的噴嘴自動提升系統,專門設計的結構和支持材料組合以及方便更換的列印核心噴頭,讓您能完整呈現更複雜的設計並且也擴展您3D列印的更多可能。

3Doodler Start 3D列印筆
Brand 3Doodler
Price 2150(TAX)

很高興向大家介紹最新型的3Doodler生力軍---3Doodler Start 3D列印筆。

Ultimaker 2+系列 維護套件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 7500(TAX)

Ultimaker 2+ 進階配件
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5500(TAX)

上次Ultimaker推了新的材料,許多人可能會擔心一些特殊材料會難以列印,這次Ultimaker 推出進階的3D列印配件組,讓你的物件可以在更穩定的環境下列印,並且和平台黏得更好降低翹曲!

Ultimaker - Print Core AA 0.4噴頭
Brand Ultimaker
Price 5700(TAX)

Ultimaker搭配專屬AA,BB核心噴頭,讓你的3D列印品質近乎專業。 由於其獨特的噴嘴自動提升系統,專門設計的結構和支持材料組合以及方便更換的列印核心噴頭,讓您能完整呈現更複雜的設計並且也擴展您3D列印的更多可能。

Mayku Multiplier桌上型壓力成型機
Brand Mayku
Price 288800(TAX)
Weight 57kg

壓力成型是一種工業級模具製作技術,用於快速製作模具和零件。Mayku Multiplier桌上型壓力成型機,是世界上第一台桌面式的壓力成型機,利用強壓使成型材料片加熱、變軟、成型;壓力成型可以製作比人的頭髮更細緻的模具,且製作過程只需1分鐘。一放、一壓,實現你的想法就是這麼簡單!
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